1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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THE SCROLL 527In addition to the alumni present the entire chapter from Georgia Techwere present as the guests of the association, as has been the custom forseveral years. There were about 75 at the banquet.The following officers were unanimously chosen in such a way as togive as many colleges as possible representatives, A. C, Broom, Emory,President; E, V, Carter, Jr,, Georgia, and W, C, Coles, Auburn, Vice-presidents; P. M, Peteet, Georgia Tech, Reporter; Frank M, Gillespie, Sewanee,Treasurer, and A, G. Adams, Vanderbilt, Chairman of the executive committee.Atlanta, Ga,, March 20, 1913.VERNON STILES, Emory, '10.CINCINNATIThe alumni whose homes are in this city, together with the active chapterof our local university, gathered at the Business Men's Club, Friday evening,April II. Due to the unprecedented floods that have lately visited thissection of Ohio, it was impossible for many of those who helped makethe attendance of our last year's gathering a record breaker, to be with us.Nevertheless, the occasion was on the whole, a pleasant one. Brother Shearer,Vanderbilt '80, presided; those who responded were "Lew" Williams, Purdue,'01; Thomas Henry Morrow, Colorado, '09; Walter A. Mclntire, Cincinnati,'14; John D, Ellis, Cincinnati, '07; H. S. Steiner, Case, '05; John MarshallSmedes, Vanderbilt, '78; Judge D. D, Woodmansee, Ohio Wesleyan, '81;Judge James B, Swing, Hanover, '76, Those present were: Campbell S,Johnston, Miami, ' 10; Allen F, Rader, <strong>No</strong>rthwestern, '08; Fred F. Mc-Minn, Cincinnati, '09; Burton E, Robinson, Cincinnati, '14; William E. Robinson,Cincinnati, ^16; A. C, Wells, Jr., Cincinnati, '16; Walter A. Mclntire,Cincinnati, '14; Robert H, Crittenden, Cincinnati, '16; H. L. Steiner, Case,'05; Jas. J. Taylor, Cincinnati, 'ii; C. A, Schroetter, Cincinnati, 'og; A. J,Wohlgemuth, Michigan, '11; Llew. Williams, Jr., Purdue, '01; John D. Ellis,Cincmnati, '07; Brown McGill, Ohio State, '08; Thos. H. Morrow, Colorado,'09; J. L. Shearer, Tennessee; John Marshall Smith, Tennessee; D. D, Woodmansee,Ohio Wesleyan; James B, Swing, Hanover; Bert H, Long, Cin-Cincinnati; P, R, Hawley, Indiana, '12; James W, Pottenger, Cincinnati, '13;W. E. Willey, Miami, 'ii; John H, Ames, Cincinnati, '15; Clarence Bahlman,Cincinnati, '04; Clifford F, Cordes, Cincinnati, '00; Dr, Chas, T, Perm, Cincinnati,'99; George A, Dieterle, Pennsylvania, '07; Pryce J, Hanson, Cincinnati,'12; Raymond G, Church, Cincinnati, '15; E, C. Harding, Cincinnati,'14; Chas. Achilles Siekman, Cincinnati, '10; S, A, McGill, Cincinnati, '00;S, E, Shoup, Sewanee, '03; Karl A. Vogeler, Cincinnati, '07; C, B. London,Indiana, '10,The officers, for the ensuing year are: President, E, A. Wohlgemuth,Michigan, '05; Vice-president, George A. Dieterle, Pennsylvania, '07; Secretary,H. Brown McGill, Cincinnati, '07.Cincinnati, Ohio, April 15, 1913.CAMPBELL S, JOHNSTON, Miami, '10,CLEVELANDOn Saturday March 15, 1913, we held our annual meeting and banquetat the University Club of this city.The banquet was conspicuous among those held by this club for its generalatmosphere of - freedom and good-fellowship, A string quartette of darkysingers added greatly to the spirit of the occasion. Brother Calfee, Roanoke,*93, acted as toastmaster and brief speeches were called for as follows:The Convention, Walter H. Merriam, Vermont, '89,Co-operation with College Authorities, William R, Macklind, Missouri, '91,Ohio Eta, Herbert G, Jungk, Case, '13.<strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> in Cleveland, Henry M, Haserot, Dartmouth, '10,The annual meeting was then held. Brother Haserot reported events of

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