1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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526 THE SCROLLand at several nearby cities. Brother Pond was business manager of theclub,- Brother Bickelhaupt assistant business manager, and Brothers Kempand Cummins together with <strong>Phi</strong>keias Stillman and Spohn had parts in theplay.The chapter is very well represented on the daily paper by <strong>Phi</strong>keias Clifford,Wheeler and Jackson.The interfraternity baseball schedule is out and the season well under way.Our team with Brother Gillette as captain has, from the showing of the teamin the few games that have been played, a very good chance for the championship.Brother Gillette Is also captain of the engineering team.The much discussed anti-fraternity bill was killed in the assembly bya vote of 57-42, but another bill very similar has been introduced during thepast week.The chapter entertained at an Informal dance last evening on the eveof the biennial university circus. Several of the alumni were back forthe dance and the circus. The circus, with Brother Gillette as generalchairman, was a great success. Some of the fraternities entered animals,most of doubtful species, and the one entered by the chapter securedsecond prize.Wisconsin Alpha takes pleasure In introducing to the fraternity BrotherRoland Maurer, son of Brother Edward E. Maurer.Fou-nders' Day was observed this year by a banquet and smoker.Madison, Wis., April 26, 1913.F. G. PARDEE,ALUMNI CLUBSATLANTA<strong>No</strong>thing of more importance to the continued growth of interest amongthe 4> A 0 alumni in Atlanta could have been taken at the Founders' Daybanquet than the decision to gather for a weekly luncheon. This is theopinion, at least, of every man who expressed himself upon the subject, andthere were numbers who did and who promised to lunch as often aspossible with their brothers.The weekly luncheons will be held at 2130 o'clock each Friday at thePiedmont Hotel, and through THE SCROLL the Atlanta alumni club wishesto extend an invitation to any and all <strong>Phi</strong>s who may be in Atlanta, to makethat hotel their luncheon place on Friday, and assures them that a warmwelcome will be extended.The banquet held on the evening of March 15, was a success from manypoints of view. <strong>Phi</strong> songs started before the first course was served andthe very voicing of the familiar old ballads of chapter days seemed to bringenthusiasm to a high pitch, and with the spirit of informality that prevailednot a man was present who did not appear to enter into the affair withtrue <strong>Phi</strong> spirit.Brother Walter O. Marshburn, a young attorney, presided as toastmasterand while he alternately appealed for order and laughed his approval ofthe enthusiasm, various "factions" cheered vociferously for Marshburn whileothers shouted "Down with Marshburn!" until the rafters rang with theirvoices. As the good natured mirth ceased he introduced the first principalspeaker of the evening. Brother A. C. Broom, whose eloquent address on "TheFriendship of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong>", won all who heard him.Other speakers were Grover C. Middlebrooks, retiring president; Dr. E. J.Spratling, W, A. Speer, Councilman Jesse M. Wood, Dr, W. F, Shallenberger,A, G. Adams, P. M. Peteet, Dr. A. G, Fort, Vernon Stiles, retiring reporter;and Frank Carter, from the chapter at the University of Georgia; C. L.Middlebrooks, from the chapter at Emory and Bob Davis, from the chapterat Tech.

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