1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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524 THE SCROLLWe were delighted in the past month to see Brothers "Pat" Robinson,"Betsy" Blanton, Rives Childs and Ely Gravely, who came to pay us moreor less extended visits. The last brother Is still strong on coming back tovisit his Alma Mater and his Alma Mater is always glad to see him forshe welcomes him "bedecked with flowers."Commencement is from the ninth to thirteenth of June and we wantthe chance of welcoming every alumnus back at the old school. If youare just graduated, or If you have been out a score of years, come anyway,and see how your goats are doing, and wherein they are wrong, advise them,and help them for the sake of what $ A 0 may have done for you.Ashland, Va., April 23, 1913.J, WESLEY CHILDS,VIRGINIA ZETA, WASHINGTON AND LEE UNIVERSITYWith the second term examinations passed and the brothers doing goodwork in their tickets, Virginia Zeta enters upon the last lap of the collegeyear. One of the noteworthy events of the third term will be the inaugurationof Henry Louis Smith, Virginia Beta, '87, as president of Washington andLee. The first year of Doctor Smith's ser-vice has been very propitious, as theuniversity has recently been made residuary legatee of the estate of thelate broker, Robert P, Doremus, valued at approximately two million dollars.Further Brother Smith has plans under way for securing a. new gymnasiumto cost over a hundred thousand dollars, there being Increased need for oneon account of the destruction of the old building in a recent fire.For an interscholastic track meet that will be held here on April 26,entries from both northern and southern preparatory schools have been received.The fraternities will aid the university in entertaining the many representativesin attendance,Washington and Lee is In the midst of the baseball season. Brother FrankColville Is representing Virginia Zeta at third base, with Brother Bagleyon the,squad showing great promise for the future. The captain-elect, BrotherErwin, '13, and who did not return to college this year. Is much missedin his old place of shortstop. Brother Gooch was a member of the freshmanbasketball squad which went to Waynesboro to try their skill against the fiveof Fishburne Military Academy. Brother Sheffey played forward on thesenior basketball team In the interclass series. Brother Davis has secureda place as alternate on one of the two intercollegiate debates, one to beheld with the University of Georgia and the other with Tulane. He Is onthe chaperone committee of the interfraternity dance which will be given inJune. Brothers Somerville and Gooch are out for the varsity crews andboth are showing up well.Founders' Day was duly celebrated March 15, The principal speakers.Brother Cary, Ohio Beta, made a talk on the "Aims of the Founders at oldMiami". The subject assigned by the general council, "Co-operation with theFaculty" was well discussed by Brother Neel of the active chapter.Brothers Tatem, '13, Millican, '14, and Blanton, '16, all of Virginia Gamma,were recent visitors at Lexington, coming up on the baseball nine representingRandolph-Macon College, Brother Ned Graham, ex-'14, returned to hishome here for a short stay during Easter. Brother J. T. Lykes, '09, whohad returned from a trip to Jamaica only a short time previously, gave thebrothers a very interesting talk on the chapter house fund at the meetingheld last Saturday night.It is hoped that many alumni will return to enjoy the finals. They areassured of receiving a warm welcome from each brother in the Bond.Lexington, Va., April 16, 1913.EDWARD F, SHEFFEY, JR,

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