1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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THE SCROLL 521TENNESSEE ALPHA, VANDERBILT UNIVERSITYFounders' Day was duly observed and celebrated by the members of theactive chapter of * A 0 giving a beautiful appointed banquet at the MaxwellHouse, Plates were laid for fifty and the function proved a success inevery, particular. Brother <strong>No</strong>rton B, Howell, president of the alumni clubpresided. There were no set speeches but inspiring informal talks weremade by some of the older brothers, which gave us all a clearer, higherconception of what 0 A 0 was, is, and should be. The reporter read a shorthistory of the fraternity's loved and esteemed founder. Father Morrison,Brother Hall compared the record of the year just closing with previousyears and the decided improvement in alL phases of fraternity and collegelife were most gratifying.We wish to congratulate Brothers Baird and Winton on their election asmembers of the Owl Club, as this is quite an honor. As the final examinationscreep closer and closer the brothers are beginning to trim the midnight lampand burnish up the knowledge in the rough obtained by a hard year's digging,Nashville, Tenn., May 9, 1913,L, F. SPERRY.TENNESSEE BETA, UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTHSince our last letter we take pleasure in introducing to the Fraternity,Dan Harold Riner, of St. Louis, Mo.The baseball season is on in full swing and Tennessee Beta is representedon the varsity by Brothers Eggleston, McGoodwin and Fanning.- BrotherBowden is manager of this year's baseball and arranged a fine trip for theteam. This trip was a ten-day one and they played most of the big collegesof the South. Brother Chapman is captain of the scrubs and they have hada successful season so far.Brothers McCollum and Wright of Vanderbilt have been delegates to theEpiscopal Diocesan Convention held at Sewanee.Sewanee, Tenn., May 10, 1913.RANDOLPH H. COBB.TEXAS BETA. UNIVERSITY OF TEXASEureka! Found at last, A discovery has happened in our midst. Veryhumbly and unostensibly all the year Mr. Palmer Giles, freshman, hasadorned the various articles of furniture about the house with his carcass.Little did we suspect or suppose that he rested there a mute and ingloriousMilton. And yet the other day in one blaze of splendor the whole magnificenttruth burst apart and lay animated and palpitating before our dazzled eyes.It seems that having retired into a dark corner of the library he remainedburied in thought for some time—and then suddenly the Goddess Inspirationslapped him full in the face. He rushed to the typewriter and masterfullydashed off the following gem:I've taken my fun where I've found it,I've roared and I've raved in my time,And now I must pay for my fun.And you can profit by thisAnd learn about women from me.We asked him about it, "It ain't original with me," he said modestly,"Kipling wrote it,"He said it was Kipling's latest, but we can hardly believe it. Kipling inhis most sublime moments of communion could never hope to produce suchlines of subtle symbolism and tender import.Buckshot Williams has also been behaving as usual. He is a very entertaining—oramusing—youth. There is some distinction to be made. His latestadventure was quite romantic. Just as the sun was sinking in the west—to be exact 3 140 d.. m.—Buckshot was strolling—or rolling—again there is a

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