1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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THE SCROLL 515attacking the legislature's generous donations. At present public opinion is sostrongly against the movement that indications are that the act will not beinvoked and the university will receive a couple of much needed buildingsand some improvements.Oregon Alpha wishes to announce the pledging of Alfred Biles of Portlandand Elliott Roberts of The Dalles, Oregon.Arrangements for junior week-end are nearing completion and the variouscommittees appointed. Bailey will have charge of the cement constructionwork, <strong>Phi</strong>keia Roberts is on the reception committee, and Staggs and Thomaswill serve on committees for the junior prom. May 7-10 is the date for thefestivities during which time the school is thrown open to the visitors. Thechapter is planning on accommodating about fifteen -visitors at the house.On April II, the chapter was favored by a visit from Brother W. S.Ferris, President of Kappa Province. We regret very much that his visitwas so short and also that it should come just as the chapter was breakingup for spring vacation. Brother Ferris strongly advocates a Pan-Hellenicassociation among the fraternities at Oregon, and towards which end we hopeto take some steps in the near future.• Eugene, Oregon, April 24, 1913,PENNSYLVANIA ALPHA, LAFAYETTE COLLEGECARROL M, WAGNER,The baseball season is now in full sway, Lafayette having won seven gamesand lost an equal number. The southern trip was quite a success consideringthat the teams we played had been playing for several weeks while our teamreally had no practice at all before starting on the trip. Brothers Hammer '15,Forshee, '16, are pitchers on the varsity squad.Our senior class, four in number, are now upon their final lap beforethey grasp their sheep skins. Brother Haas is class prophet; Brother Royer ispresentation orator. Brother Evans is considered one of the best civil engineersin college, while Brother Clark upholds the . scholarship of the Fraternityby grading 4> B K,The annual fraternity banquet will be held June 16, and the chapterearnestly desires that a large number of the alumni return for the occasioii,which promises to be a better one than ever before.Brother Meyer, '15, has made the relay team which looks like a winner.The middle states intercollegiate ' athletic meet will be held at EastonMay 17 and the college is looking forward with great encoiiragement to winningthe meet.Plans are now under way for an aggressive rushing campaign for nextfall and the chapter would highly appreciate the kindness of any of thealumni who will send the names and addresses of. any men who expect toenter next fall.The chapter takes pleasure In introducing to the Fraternity Brother ChesterGordon Peck, '14,Easton, Pa,, April 24, 1913,B. H. WELTY.PENNSYLVANIA BETA, GETTYSBURG COLLEGEWith the approach of the commencement events, activities have redoubledto make this the banner year. It Is planned to, have a big celebration as afitting close for the campaign which has been carried on, unceasingly forthe last two years. By that time it is expected that the college will befree of all debt and a $200,000 endowment fund on hand. Due to this celebrationseveral of the classes are planning reunions while others are givingmemorials and expect to dedicate them. Following the custom of severalof the previous classes, the graduating class has laid a cement walk from theOld Dorm past the gymnasium to the Recitation Hall, where the walk widens

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