1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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THE SCROLL 513Ohio <strong>Theta</strong> has been celebrating the last two weeks. Why? Out offour student representatives on the athletic council she has secured twoof them. The two successful candidates were Brothers Burt Robinson andClint Wunder, Brother Robinson defeated a man who is an all-round athlete,who has worked four years for varsity but will be ineligible next year becauseof conference rules. For that reason Ohio <strong>Theta</strong> Is celebrating all the more.The interest in athletics at the university is now centered in track and baseball,March i, Cincinnati beat Ohio Wesleyan, Ohio State and Miami inthe Intercollegiate relay held at the O, N, G, Armory in Cincinnati, BrotherJames Pottenger was on the team. March 29, Brothers Fenker and JamesPottenger journeyed to Louisville with the track team to compete in ameet. Brother Fenker made 8 out of the 16 points which varsity made.For out-door track Ohio <strong>Theta</strong> will be represented by Brothers Burt Robinson,Fenker and James Pottenger. The last two are certain bets in the hurdlesand quarter mile respectively. On the baseball team are Brothers Fenker andHarding. Fenker has his position cinched as catcher and Harding is out forone of the field positions.The fates were against us in the Pan-Hellenic bowling league. We finishedin fifth place. Brothers Goettle, Will and Burt Robinson, Wulfekoetter,Harding and James Pottenger were on the team.Ohio <strong>Theta</strong> has been celebrating the last two weeks. Why? Out ofof men from the fraternities at Cincinnati this year. Her class is composedof Brothers Richard Goettle, James and William Pottenger, the first onenamed receiving a C. E. degree and the last two B. A.'s. Since we lose onlythree men by graduation our chapter roll ne.\t September will have twentythreenames embossed on it and with such a number there is no reason whywe should worry. There used to be a time when the University of Cincinnatireceived all of her students from this immediate vicinity. That time haspassed and due to the reputation of the co-operative course in the college ofengineering her number of students has increased. As the sun never setson a Brother in the Bond so the sun never sets on a U. C. man (when he isat home), coming all the way from Washington State to Florida and Maineto California and even from Brazil and Japan, Ohio <strong>Theta</strong> would like tohear from any <strong>Phi</strong> who knows of any prospective student coming from anj'of the above named places. We can promise any alumni who writes that hisletter will receive prompt attention and that the man whom he recommendswill be carefully looked over and that a report will be made to him. Forreferences we refer you to Brothers Will Wymond of Louisville, Kentucky,Kindly address any letters to Brother B. E, Robinson, 3119 Imperial Avenue,Cincinnati, Ohio, during the summer months.At a meeting of the chapter house association held at the chapter houseon March 13, Brother Mark Banta gave a very Interesting report as tofinances. There is now in the treasury about $800 in cash and a campaignwas launched to Increase this amount to $1000 by June so that a lot could bepurchased and ground broken for a house.Since the last letter we have received visits from Brother "Judge"' Lynchof Ohio Beta, who was on the Wesleyan relay team, and Brother Straus, ex-'i4,.who is a student at the University of Wisconsin.Cincinnati, Ohio, April 21, 1913.- JAMES W. POTTENGER.ONTARIO ALPHA, UNIVERSITY OF TORONTOThat this year will mark the close of the most successful year in scholarshipis the earnest expectation of Ontario Alpha. Throughout the yeargreat effort has been put forth to better our class standing. A strongscholarship committee was elected early last fall, who with the co-operationof the faculty have succeeded in keeping the brothers close to their booksall year. The result has already been splendid, and seven men in applied

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