1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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510 THE SCROLLaforesaid glowing reports, that chapter down near Mexico and the "Greasers"must be some there and It is indeed a pleasure to read of their conquestsamong the Greeks and the rest of the human species infesting their collegeworld. <strong>No</strong> doubt they are the only fleas In their sand pile but way off uphere in poor old flooded Ohio, amidst all the wreckage, we have slipped afew across that we are proud of and humbly state them with a. feeling ofawe for the great honor gatherers in Texas,We think it was -whispered in our last letter that four of the seven W menin basketball were <strong>Phi</strong>s and now we quietly announce that Brother Wrightwas unanimously elected captain of the - team for next year. This samebrother Is accompanist of the glee club, a member of the Scrap Iron Quartet,was recently elected to the Jester's Club, an honorary senior organization,and In the recent election for song leader for the university for next year,he received over twice as many votes as any of the other three candidates.Then in baseball we solemnly affirm Brother Harris is playing left fieldand wielding the willow with a larger per cent back of his name than anyother man on the team, while Brothers Thompson and Liggett are makingstrong fights for regular positions of first and second bases respectively. Oh,yes, with hushed tones we articulate the fact that this same Brother Thompsonwas recently elected vice-president of the Y, M. C, A. for nex^ year.Brother Hamlin who leaves us this year, via the graduation route, wasoffered a position as instructor in biology but turned it down and goes awaywith a Harvard scholarship tacked to his sheepskin, to keep it company. Yousee he is particular about what he does.As a sort of interlude we indicate that In the spring elections for officesnext year. Brother Helter is now a candidate for basketball manager andBrother Duff, who is already art editor of the college annual, sings on thevarsity quartette, is on the Transcript staff, is a candidate for president of thesenior lecture course committee. Furthermore it looks muchly, from the primaryvote, that when the curtain goes down on the final election and the postludemusic comes from the vote counters, it will be the other fellow that will bein the "also ran" class.We hate to tell it but Brother Gates was this week elected to Owl andSkull, the junior honorary organization, of which Brothers Wright andLynch are already members.Spring football practice is now the secondary attraction on the boardshere and in glancing over- the candidates we can find several <strong>Phi</strong>s withouta magnifying glass. Brothers Harris, Jones, Gates, Helter and Parker beingin the midst of the saw dust under the tackling dummy. And by the waybefore we forget it, the first four of these men were regulars last year whileBrother Parker, who is a freshman now but hopes to be a sophomore nextyear, is the most talked about new man out.But with repentant hearts and minds towards the South, Texas beingthe particular portion of the South referred to, let us go on and announcethat Brothers Collins and Liggett have recently been taken into A S P ,that in the tennis tryouts Brothers Helter and Hambly are swatting thepellets around and may be lucky enough to get on squad and thereby get acouple of trips for their trouble.After some little contention with a. member of B 0 H who wanted it"hisself by heck". Brother Collins was elected editor-in-chief of The Bijou, thecollege annual, for next year.Then we have some freshmen we just can't pass by without forgetting ourmodesty and telling about them. Besides Brother Parker who is mentionedabove, we find that Brothers Shepard, Page and <strong>Phi</strong>keia Ireland are playingin regular berths of pitcher, third and first base respectively on the freshmenteam. Then <strong>Phi</strong>keia Swank Is out for a position on the Transcript andwhile the official appointments have not yet been made it is conceded ina hushed monotone by the appointing board that Swank has the job sewed up

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