1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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506 THE SCROLLBrother Reavis has been pledged A X 2, the chemical fraternity.Nebraska Alpha announces the pledging of Ernest Maynhoerdt of Madison,Neb., and Victor Backland of Stromsburg, Neb.We wish to compliment the reporter of Texas Beta on his most enjoyableletters. To Nebraska Alpha they are one of the features of THE SCROLL.This letter Is not quite complete. "Pride goeth before a fall". After sendinghis acceptance to the PI <strong>Phi</strong> dance it is improbable that Senior Brother Cainwill ever say again, that he slipped by the first of April without getting stung.Lincoln, Neb., April 23, 1913.H. H. GOETZE.NEW HAMPSHIRE ALPHA, DARTMOUTH COLLEGE4" A 0 here, has passed through one of the most successful "chinning"seasons in its history. The long season proved to be very^ much in ourfavor, and we take great pleasure in introducing the following men, who arenow wearing the <strong>Phi</strong> pledge button: 1916; Charles Brush Allison, Malone,N, Y.; Elliot Malcolm Brill, Chicago, 111,; Jesse Keller Fenno, Canton, Mass.;Edward Augustus Keddie, Jamaica Plain, Mass; Edwin Leslie McFalls,Gouveneur, N, Y, ;.John Hyde Mensel, <strong>No</strong>rthampton, Mass.; Kenneth KingsleyStowell, New York City; Leland Espenscheld Stowell, New York City; HaroldStory Tuttle, Palmyra, N. Y.; Frank Ralph Ward, Olean, N. Y.; Earle RaymondWilliams, Barre, Vermont; Chester McNutt Woolworth, Niagara Falls,N. Y. 1914; Winthrop Merriam Mayo, Leominster, Mass,<strong>Phi</strong>keia Williams was captain of the freshman basketball team, and is amember of the freshman baseball team, <strong>Phi</strong>keias McFalls and Mensel wereon the freshman basketball team, <strong>Phi</strong>keias Keddie and Ward are on thefreshman baseball team, and <strong>Phi</strong>keia Tuttle was on the freshman footballteam. <strong>Phi</strong>keia Brill is a candidate for the freshman track team.Since our last letter, Brother Snow was chosen captain of the varsity basketballteam, Brother Gibson has been elected assistant senior marshal, BrotherBullis has been elected to Casque and Gauntlet senior society, and BrothersGale, and George Webster, to the Dragon, senior society. Brothers Redfieldand Gish are out for assistant managership berths. Brother Bullis Is nextyear's manager of the freshman baseball team. Brothers Woolworth andWilcox are doing splendid work on the varsity track team. In the matterof scholarship, only one subject was flunked in -the entire fraternity lastsemester.Our initiation banquet comes May 9, and we have succeeded in persuadingDr. Guy Potter Benton, president of the general council, and of the Universityof Vermont, to act as our toastmaster. We feel the success of the banquetfo be thus thoroughly assured.Junior Prom occurs the next week after the banquet, and plans are nowunder way to provide for a most elaborate house-party. We expect to entertainfifteen or sixteen girls, with the chaperons in addition.Hanover, N. H., April 23, 1913.C. S. MCDANIEL,NEW YORK ALPHA, CORNELL UNIVERSITYThe forty-second annual banquet was held on the evening of April 26 andwe were glad to have with us at that time Brothers B, S. Coe, '06, C, F.AUiaume, '06, and C, B. Mason, '94. The evening passed quickly and .everyoneseemed to enjoy himself. Interesting addresses were given by DeanL, H, Bailey, Brother Mason and Prof, G. M, Whipple, We are trying tomake this banquet an alumni affair and are especially glad to welcome themat this time.The interfraternity conference is now in session and is engaged in revisingthe rushing rules for the coming year. In all probability similar rules to

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