1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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504 THE SCROLLfirst year out; the coach promises to make a record breaker of him in anotherseason. , TT • i.Brother R. G. Blair, 'ii, has been with us for the last month. He is thecomposer of the music for the M. S, U. musical comedy, "The HundredDollar Bill". He was here to reproduce the show which was first staged inigii. This time the show was even a greater success than before. BrothersJohnson, Youmans, Jameson, and Simral took part In the play. BrotherS. R. Owen and wife, each of whom took principal parts in the former production,returned to see the reproduction.Pan-Hellenic baseball season is now on. Although we have a good team,we have not the best, and are doomed to the second division this year. Howeverour most interesting game is not a Pan-Hellenic game. We have an annualgame with our alumni. This year the unusual thing happened—the alumni wonby a score of 10-7. This score Is partly explained by the fact that among thealumni players were three ex-varsity baseball captains.We recently pledged Richard Clark, and now have three who will be forcedto remain pledges until next year because of certain Pan-Hellenic restrictions,Columbia, Mo,, April 24, 1913,JOS, H. MOORE.MISSOURI BETA, WESTMINSTER COLLEGEOn the night of March 10, we- initiated Estill I, Green of St. Louis asdGrady Hord of Tebbetts, Mo. <strong>No</strong>rman A, Mozley of Bloomfield, Mo., wasinitiated on the night of March 21, We take pleasure in introducing themto the Fraternity.A very enjoyable Informal dance was given by the chapter on the night ofMarch 21. Our annual banquet and dance during commencement week in Junepromises to be a successful affair.Founders' Day was celebrated by the chapter by a smoker at the house onthe night of March 15, and by observing the usual ceremony at the grave ofFather Morrison on the afternoon of Sunday, April 16. Among the alumnipresent on Founders' Day was Brother Henderson, H. G. C,Because of the illness of his father Brother Black has withdrawn fromschool for the remainder of the year. We hope to have him with us again inthe fall.The chapter has recently enjoyed visits from Brother Mozley's mother andbrother, Mrs. N. K, Mozley and Mr, Sheldon Mozley; also from BrotherEdmunds's mother, Mrs. B. C, Edmunds, and Brother Andrae's father, Mr.George Andrae, .Brother Lamkin, Past P. G. C, visited the chapter recently.Brother H. H, Mclntire, who has been In business in Seattle, Wash., is againlocated in Fulton.The proposition of buying a chapter house has been the principal topic •of discussion by the chapter during the past several weeks. Material progresshas been made and we are confident the deal will be closed and the chapterwill have a house of its own at the opening of school in the fall.The baseball season has opened with bright prospects for Westminster,Our team has played three games thus far, defeating the American Schoolof Osteopathy of Kirksville, Mo., 3 to 2, and playing Missouri University atColumbia and Chinese University of Honolulu, Hawaii, in Fulton. We lostthese games, but the scores show very good work on the part of Westminster'steam. Brothers Olds and Jelks, players on the Osteopath team, visited thechapter during their stay here. The chapter is represented on the squadby Brother Fisher, who is playing his position of last year, third base, andBrothers Rootes, of last year's team, Barker and Edmunds.Westminster recently won the decision In two conte^s In the triangulardebate between Central, Missouri Valley and Westminster Colleges. We arethus the college debate champions of the state.Track work has started in earnest. We are represented on the squad by

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