1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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THE SCROLL 501and a house warming will be held at junior prom time. May 22 to 24.Several of the alumni have signified their intentions of returning for thehouse party and we are confident that our opening will be a pronouncedsuccess. Formal dedication ceremonies of the new house will take place atcommencement time. Friday evening, June 20, a corporation meeting will beheld, with the active chapter in charge, at which the keys of the housewill be handed over to the corporation. Saturday, June 21, at 10 a. m., willbe the dedication exercises proper, of which the speeches of Brother Lawson,'95, and President Meiklejohn will be the features. At that time also, asum of money, to be used for scholastic purposes, will be presented by thechapter to Amherst College. On the evening of the 21 at 8 p. m. the housewill be thrown open to the alumni, faculty, and students. We earnestly hopethat the alumni will make it a point to be present at these exercises, for itnot only marks a new .era for the chapter, the occupation of the beautifulnew house, the best planned and equipped of any fraternity house in Amherst,but also, it will be the twenty-fifth anniversary of the founding ofMassachusetts Beta of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong>.Brother Butts, '10, recently made a visit to the chapter. Brother Vernon,'12, spent the last part of February and the first week in March at Amherst,coaching the battery candidates for the baseball team.Brother R. W. Stone, '13, was elected to $ B K at mid-years. BrotherBernero, '14, has been chosen editor-in-chief of the Student for the ensuingyear. Brother Shrewsbury, '14, was chosen college gymnast, and has beenelected captain of next year's heavy gym team.At the recent spring interclass meet, $ A 0 was ;indeed well represented.Brother Guetter, '13, ran away with the weight e\ipnt^, taking first place inthe hammer throw, shot put and discus throw; Brother Shrewsbury, '14, wasfirst in the pole vault; Brother King '13, was second in the two mile run;Brother Ferguson, '16, was second in the low hurdles and third in the highhurdles; and Brother Colton, '15, tied for second in the javelin throw.The chapter regrets to announce that George Jennings, of janitor fame, otherwiseknown as "Lightning Charlie", has been missing since before springvacation, and any information as to his whereabouts will be gratefully (?)received.We have recently .enjoyed visits from Brother Parmelee, '09, and fromBrothers Gale, '12, and Dudensing, '13, of New Hampshire Alpha,Amherst, Mass,, April 25, 1913,RAYMOND W, STONE,MICHIGAN ALPHA. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGANThe close of spring vacation on April 15 found the entire chapter present,with the exception of Brother E. H. Idema, '15, who resigned from collegeto go into business in Grand Rapids.Michigan Alpha has jiist cause to be proud of her scholarship record. Inthe first grade averages made public by the university, * A 0 not only led allthe other fraternities, but even made a better average than the student bodytaken as a whole. The averages were carefully compiled, in an effort todetermine the relative scholarship of the men In fraternities, clubs, honorsocieties, and other campus organizations; and covered the college year endingin June, 1912, We are making every effort to duplicate this record this year.Michigan sent a varsity two mile team, led by Captain Haff, and a freshmanmile team, to the Penn, relay games. Brother Haff has lately turned hisattention to the half mile, and is consistently covering the distance in less thantwo minutes.Brothers Bogue and Ballantine, '14, have been initiated into T B nthe junior honorary engineering society. Brother Haff has been initiatedinto $ A "t.The Union opera "Contrarie Mary" was presented at the Whitney Theater

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