1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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500 THE SCROLLWe lose this year, by graduation. Brother L. J,. Fortier who has alwaysshown much Interest in $ A 0. We all wish him success in the world ofbusiness.New Orleans, La., April 27, 1913, WILLIAM E, PENICK,MAINE ALPHA, COLBY COLLEGEMaine Alpha has been greatly saddened by the loss of Brother LesterAmbrose Keyes who died Sunday, April 27, from a shock resulting from asurgical operation. Brother Keyes had been confined to bed only three daysbefore his death.Brother Nardini has returned to Colby and is now in charge of the tracksquad. With the coming of "DIni," Colby's hopes for a successful track seasonare far brighter because for two years he took fifteen points in the Maineintercollegiate meet and bids fair to do the same this season. <strong>Phi</strong>keia Murchiehas been throwing the hammer over 150 feet in practice; the real test as tohis ability will be given on May 10, when a dual meet with Holy Crosswill be held in Waterville.The baseball team has returned from the Massachuetts trip which includedgames with Dartmouth, Boston College and Harvard. Althoughthe team was unfortunate in losing the games with Dartmouth and BostonCollege, they "came back" and defeated Harvard by the score of 5-2. Jameswho pitched for Colby allowed the crimson team only one hit. BrothersLowney, Harlow and Blackington made the trip.The Colby debating team won from Clark University in a recent debateheld at Worcester,The relay team participated in the Pennsylvania relay carnival at <strong>Phi</strong>ladelphia,Brother Irving Merrill ran as third man on the team.Waterville, Maine, April 29, 1913.NORMAN J. MERRILL.MASSACHUSETTS ALPHA, WILLIAMS COLLEGEJust before the start of the spring vacation Williams brought to a close asuccessful basketball season. Despite numerous injuries to the team, of thefew games played, six resulted in victories. After the last game BrotherHodge, '14, was elected captain for the coming season. Brother Dempsey, '15,also played on this team.In other activities Massachusetts Alpha has not been idle. Brother West,'14, has been elected art editor of the Purple Cow, the humorous publicationand Brother Bbwne, '14, has been elected to the board. Brother Porter, '15,has been elected class singing leader and Brothers Main and F, Winston,'15, are members of the Year Book board. Brother D, Winston is secretaryof both the Christian association and the good government club.Although it is too early to make predictions, the outlook for successfultrack and baseball teams here seems bright. Brother Hodge, '14, will undoubtedlybe a varsity pitcher this year. Brother Jones, '16, Is also on thesquad. In track we have several men out. In the minor activities we arealso represented.Brother Bunnell, '14, who for the past three months has been at his homesuffering from an attack of appendicitis, returned to college just after thespring vacation.Several alumni and brothers from other chapters have visited us lately andwe earnestly hope that more will do so in the future.Williamstown, Mass., April 23, 1913,EDWARD H. TITUS. JR.MASSACHUSETTS BETA. AMHERST COLLEGEThe principal object of Interest in the minds of both undergraduate- andalumni members of Massachusetts Beta is the occupation of our new house.The chapter expects to take informal possession of it on Thursday, May 15,

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