1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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492 THE SCROLLever had. Jones is one of the few freshmen, who has ever made a debatingteam at Indiana.Walter Voss, a two hundred pound freshman from Seymour, was pledgedat the beginning of this term. He bids fair to hold down A position on thefootball team next fall.Brother Scott has returned with the glee club, which has just finished a verysuccessful tour of California, New Mexico and other western states. He hasbeen entertaining the boys with many wild and woolly stories of the GreatWest. -He speaks nonchalantly of when he was to the Grand Canyon or growseloquent over the charms of the beautiful little city of Albuquerque,Yesterday the chapter attended the funeral of Brother Dodds, a prominentand respected citizen of this city and a member of the class of '85 of thischapter.Brother "Sox" Burtt called on us last week end and Brother "Bill" LaRuealso showed that he had not forgotten the bunch by paying us a rather abbreviatedcall a few weeks ago,Bloomington, Ind,, April 27, 1913.CLYDE MORRISON.INDIANA BETA, WABASH COLLEGEIndiana Beta has pledged since the last issue of THE SCROLL the followingmen: Bicknell Woodbury and Clyde Allen, of Danville, III,, and HoraceMerrill, Crawfordsville, Ind.There is no better time than the present to judge the real strength of anychapter. With the college year nearing its close the chapter roll should be aslarge, if not larger, than at any other time, in the year, practically all of themen having dropped out who will; the chapter should have secured its share ofcollege honors, all four branches of athletics and other college activities as well,having been participated in to some extent; and the scholarship standing shouldbe pretty well decided.There are now twenty-three active members whose names are listed on theIndiana Beta roll book. We have four <strong>Phi</strong>keias, one who is now in thefreshman class and one who will be initiated this year, and three who will entercollege next fall. During the course of the year the chapter has lost onlytwo men; Brother J, F. Cravens, who has received enough credits to graduate,and <strong>Phi</strong>keia Rough, who was forced to leave college on account of sickness.The official scholarship report of the registrar for the fall and winter termswas published some two weeks ago, and we are proud to say that, for thefirst time in several years, * A 0 is again leading in the race for highscholarship standing at Wabash. Only one failure and one condition havebeen credited to us this year and we hope to maintain this standing at all costs,now that we have gained it,Indiana Beta is represented in every branch of athletics. Brothers J. F,Cravens, Nichols, and <strong>Phi</strong>keia K, Cravens won the official W in football;Brother Ellis made his letter in basketball; Brothers Nichols and Wakeley areplaying on the varsity baseball team; and Brothers Ellis, Gavit and <strong>No</strong>bleare on the track team.We were represented on the glee and mandolin clubs by Brothers W. L.Federmann, manager, Spohn, soloist, and Russell.In debating and oratory Brother Davidson is captain of one of the varsitydebating teams and Brother L. Craig is captain of the other. Brother Carritherswas the Wabash representative at the state oratorical contest, winningthree firsts in manuscript grades, and is also on Brother Davidson's team.In the annual Greek play, given by the Greek department, there are eightleading characters, four of whom are <strong>Phi</strong> Delts. Brother Maxwell has theleading lady's part and Brother Davidson the leading male part. BrothersWatson and Luccock are also playing important roles. Brothers Luccock,<strong>No</strong>ble, and Fishback are in the cast of "The Beauty and the Jacobin," whichwill be staged in the near future.Brother Gavit is managing editor of The Bachelor and Brothers Carrithers

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