1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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490 THE SCROLLPlans are almost completed for the <strong>Phi</strong> Delt spring informal soon to begiven in the Reynold's Club. The regular quartet—Brothers Mathews, ^Mather,Ross, and Harrison—is now at work on <strong>Phi</strong> Delt songs for the annual singat the alumni homecoming.E. W. Hinton, Missouri, '90, Dean of the Missouri law school will be inresidence next quarter.We regret seriously the loss of Brothers Bryce, Robinson, and Steinbrecher,who graduate with the class of 1913.Chicago, Illinois, May 7, 1913.WM. S. MATHEWS.ILLINOIS DELTA, KNOX COLLEGEWith the close of this college year Illinois <strong>Delta</strong> will complete anotherprosperous year. The one thing that gives all concerned the greatest pleasureis the fact that plans for a new house are being drawn up. At some timein the early future we hope to lay the corner-stone in true Masonic style.We have been adding to the chapter equipment recently and now areglad to say that we are fully supplied with all necessary paraphenalia. BrotherPratt served us very efficiently as president throughout the year and BrotherWilkins as house manager. Both of these men will be lost by graduation.Brothers Gillis and Welsh will also be lost by graduation.Brothers Prince, Gabrielson, McWilliams and Harshbarger were awardedK in basketball. There were only five K's awarded. In baseball we have theusual number of men on the team. Brothers Prince, Gabrielson, Plantz andPratt will undoubtedly make their letter. Brother Parr is making a strongbid for the team. Brother Wilkins is vice-president of the inter-K council,a new organization which promises to be very active in college life.In debate and oratory Illinois <strong>Delta</strong> has been well represented. BrothersJacobson and Welsh were on the team which debated Beloit recently. BrotherWelsh has won the state and interstate peace oratorical contests and goes tothe national at Lake Mohonk on May 15.We are glad to note that Brother Harry Aldrich, 'iv, ranked second inhis examinations in architecture at Illinois University.The Knox Glee Club w-ill g^ve its annual concert next week. Four of ourmen are on the club. We are also informed that our freshman are to give theirannual dance to the members qf; the upper classes. This is always a very enjoyablefunction and we antic^ate a hilarious time.Galesburg, 111., May 2, 1913. VERNON WELSH.ILLINOIS ZETA, LOMBARD COLLEGESince our last letter we have initiated James E. Dunham of Oak Park,Illinois. This makes seven new men for Illinois Zeta this year.Brother Chain was recently elected basketball captain for 1914. The baseballteam started off right by winning the first few games. We are representedon the squad by Brothers Chain, Unmack and <strong>Phi</strong>keias Stream and Trumpy.The annual Founders' Day banquet Was held with Illinois <strong>Delta</strong> on theevening of March 13, at Elks Club. Brother Dan Wild of Sycamore actedas toastmaster and introduced the following: Brothers H. E. Griffith, IllinoisAlpha, '92; K. L. Bragdon, Illinois Zeta, '13; Robt. E. Jacobson, Illinois<strong>Delta</strong>, '14; John I. Leonard, Illinois Zeta, '10. This was one of the best<strong>Phi</strong> Delt evenings enjoyed by these chapters this year.Illinois Zeta held its annual spring rushing party April II-13. Friday nightwe had a party at the house and Saturday night a dance in the gym. Severalprospective students for the coming year were house guests for the week end.The commencement program is being mapped out, with a big home comingfrom June 1-4 the feature. The senior class are to present "The Dawn of aTomorrow" as their annual class play. Brother Bragdon is managing theplay, while Brothers H'ale and Leeper have leading parts.

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