1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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THE SCROLL 489team <strong>No</strong>rthwestern has a clear title to the intercollegiate swimming championshipof.. America. At a recent meeting of the athletic committee of the university.Brother D. H. Grady was selected as football, basketball and baseballcoach for 1913-14.* A 0 is taking an active part in dramatics. Brother Vaught had thepart of the leading character in the play given by the junior class, "TheGentleman from Mississippi." Brothers Pape and Wilcox are on the "Trig"cast, an annual musical production by members of the freshman class. BrotherTurnbull is chairman of the "Trig" committee.Instead of the usual Founders' Day banquet the alumni club of Chicagogave a formal dance at the La Salle hotel, which was a great success. Themembers of Illinois Alpha attended in a body.As we stand almost at the end of the school year the chapter well may feelproud of the record established during 1912-13. The brothers have beenactive in all lines of college activities, always working for the best interestsof their Alma Mater, and representing the high ideals of $ A 0. We areexpecting to return more men next fall than ever before and with our presentprosperous condition, Illinois Alpha bids fair to continue her present highstandard and position in the university life.Evanston, 111., April 19, 1913.J. J. COSNER.ILLINOIS BETA, UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOPassing through one of the most successful and prosperous years in itshistory, Illinois Beta nears the end of the school year having initiated andaffiliated fourteen men. Among those most recently initiated is Brother CarlL. Weinman of Wilkinsburg, Pa., member of the glee club, candidate for thefreshman baseball team, and now a pledge to the sophomore honor society,the Skull and Crescent.Among the other school activities in which Illinois Beta is interested maybe mentioned the following: Brother Parkinson has been awarded a majorC in gymnastics, winning the championship for the best all-around gymnastin the conference meet at Madison. He is a member of the swimming squadalso. But it is a noteworthy fact that Brother Parkinson's prowess is notconfined to athletics. His fellow-students have seen fit to elect him president ofthe Reynold's Club, the largest club in school, by a four to one vote over aB 0 n. Brother Steinbrecher is assisting "Pat" Page whip the varsitybaseball team into championship shape. Brothers Acker, Weinman, O'­Connor, Stringham and Perry, are on the freshman baseball squad, whileBrother Francisco works out daily with the varsity. Brothers Jordan andJackson and <strong>Phi</strong>keia Scanlon are on the track squad. Brothers O'Connor,Parker and Griffith are on the freshman swimming squad, and this <strong>Phi</strong> Delttrio bid fair to smash all records next year. Brother Parr represented •i' A0 on both of the freshman debating teams. Brother Shaffer made quitea hit in .the Blackfriar chorus with his sensational dance. He has just beenelected to the editorial staff of the 1914 Cap and Gown. Brother Weinmanand <strong>Phi</strong>keia Tindall went with the glee club on its Pacific coast tour.We are glad to announce the pledging of Alma E. Richards of Provo, Utah,winner of the high jump at the Olympic games at Stockholm, 1912.At the annual banquet and election of the Knickerbocker Law Club,Brother Gee was unanimously elected president for 1913-1914, and BrotherRice was chosen secretary.In preparing for the interscholastic meet in June # A 0 has been givenher share of the work to do. Brother Bryce is on the housing committee,Brothers Steinbrecher and Parkinson on the rushing committee, and BrotherShaffer on the press committee.* A 0 won a hotly contested game from the * K 2 team, score nineto seven, in the initial game of the interfraternity series, and has highhopes of winning the championship.

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