1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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486 THE SCROLL'15, and Walker, '16, securing places. Brother Lawrence C. Gray, '12, is presidentof the Emory ministerial association. In the recent student governmentelection Brother G. W. Monroe, '15, was elected associate editor of the EmoryWeekly and Brother T. C. Rogers, '14, was elected chairman of the judicialcommittee.Georgia Beta extends a cordial invitation to every one of her alumni and toother <strong>Phi</strong>s to join in the commencement festivities this June 6-11. We areha^ving the chapter house thoroughly renovated and expect shortly to haveit very presentable. Many of the South's fairest daughters will be here tomake the occasion most enjoyable.Brothers G. O. Wright, '14, and T. C. Rogers, '14, have recently been electedto the D. V. S. senior society, which is the highest honorary society atEmory.Oxford, Ga., April 26, 1913.T. C. ROGERS.GEORGIA GAMMA, MERCER UNIVERSITYThe chapter is enjoying the last month of a successful year at Mercer. Inevery activity worthy to be mentioned you may find loyal <strong>Phi</strong>s striving to advancethe interests of Mercer, while upholding the honor and dignity of ourFraternity.In the realm of college publications we present Brothers Stacy Capers,Baxter Jones and John Cobb. Brother Capers has put the Orange and' Blackupon a sound financial basis and Brother Cobb is doing good work on theeditorial staff.Another-trio of <strong>Phi</strong>s is found on the baseball team. Brother Irwin isstarring behind the bat with Brother Roddenberry taking the scorchers at thethird stop. But Brother Tom Wills is the find of the season. His playingat the initial corner is steadily improving and with the recovery of his battingeye he will have to be considered seriously by opposing teams. Brother Cobb,the aforesaid John, is manager of the Stroudmen.Brother C. D. Pate has severed his connections with Mercer to take a businesscourse elsewhere in the city.The <strong>Phi</strong> banquet on March 18, at the New Dempsey was the first fraternityaffair to be pulled off in this splendid hotel. All of the active members werepresent with the exception of Brother Lewis who was ill at the time. BrotherCapers acted magnificently as toastmaster and the evening was very pleasantlyspent. Such occasions properly enjoyed tend to strengthen the tie that binds.Macon, Ga., April 26, 1913.C. B. LANUKUM.GEORGIA DELTA, GEORGIA SCHOOL OF TECHNOLOGYAll of Tech is elated over our recent •^Jitfries over the University ofGeorgia, the games between the two colleges being the most important fromour standpoint, of the entire season. Two games have already been playedin Athens, and two more will be played here on May 15 and 16. Tech hasplayed this year with no bright outlook, and went to Athens with defeatstaring them in the face by the acclaimed champions of the South. It was agreat surprise when we took the first game from them, and afterwards theboys in Atlanta celebrated with the biggest "Nightshirt Peerade" known inthe history of Tech, but the greatest surprise came after a special train of350 Tech students attended the Saturday game and returned elated withanother victory. Atlanta was wild and another "Peerade" of even greatersize took place, and the whole town was painted gold and white, the collegecolors.Georgia <strong>Delta</strong> was eliminated in the Pan-Hellenic baseball league whenA T 12 defeated us on May 3, after a hard fought battle. This was oursecond game, we having defeated 2 N in the first game.Brother West was elected assistant treasurer of the Atlanta Alumni Clubfor the coming year. Brother Maupin was elected assistant manager of thefreshman baseball team.

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