1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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482 THE SCROLLCHAPTER CORRESPONDENCEReporters are requested to forward chapter letters on the loth af the month precedingthe month of publication.Please study to make letters terse. Facts which show the progress of the institutionshouid be recorded, but chapter news, rather than ordinary college news, is desired.Kindly omit mention of changes among professors and of athletic events unless membersof <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> are concerned.Please write all proper names very cleariy. or, if possible, typewrite tke letters.Begin and end letters as they appear below. Write on only one side of the paper.The Editor will appreciate the loan of cuts of college views of chapter groups orhouses. Plates should be properly marked and should be mailed or expressed to THESCROLL, care of the George Banta Publishing Company, Menasha, Wis., and printsfrom them or a list of them sent to the Editor. Plates larger than 4 by f inches, ineither dimension, cannot be used.Photographs of parties or scenes which would make interesting illustrations will bevery agreeable.ALABAMA ALPHA, UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMAAlabama Alpha is about to •wind up one of the most successful years ofher career. With a chapter of twenty-three, not a man has been lost thisyear for any reason.The University of Alabama has a strong baseball team and should finishsecond or third in the race for the S. I. A. A. championship. Alabama Alphais •well represented in this line of athletics by Brothers Moody, A. V. Van deGraaff and C. H. Van de Graaff.The chapter will probably give a house party again this year at commencement.The one held last year was declared an unqualified success by all.The prospects for the chapter next year are brilliant, and •with the aid ofour alumni, Alabama Alpha should have the best chapter of her career nextyear. The university is growing very rapidly every year, and there isnaturally more first class fraternity material.Tuscaloosa, Ala., April 34, 19T3.F. M. BROWN.ALABAMA BETA, ALABAMA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTEAlabama Beta is about to complete one of the best years tlie chapter hasever experienced. All the brothers have taken greater interest this year andthe chapter worked together in perfect harmony. On the last term exams, ourmembers pulled up their grades and now have a good margin for the year.We have been very busy for the last two weeks, preparing for the "HomeComing." We have written to every Alabama Beta man and expect at least 75or 100 brothers back with us. We will also be only too glad to take care ofall other brothers who can come here to see us.Our baseball season has been very successful thus far, Auburn having lostonly one series. The team is going well now and we expect to be in the runfor the championship this year. Brother Driver is one of the mainstays inthe box for us, and since our first series, has shown great improvement, andpromises to be one of the best pitchers Auburn has ever had. Brother Williamsis doing most of the catching.Our glee club starts on a two weeks' trip the first of next week. AlabamaBeta is well represented on the club.We were glad to have with us this week Brother C. N. Owsley, AlabamaBeta, '81, of Ft. Worth, Texas.Auburn, Ala., April 23, 1913.J. W. WILLIAMS, JR.CALIFORNIA ALPHA, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIAToday saw the finale of athletics for the semester at California. On thetrack against Stanford, Brother Todd '15, won the quarter mile for us, breakingthe record for' our track, and thereby winning a handsome gold medal. Histime was 50 1-5 seconds. Later Brother Todd ran another 440-lap in therelay, finishing again victorious. Brother Thomas took second place in the

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