1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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THE SCROLL 479EDITORIALTHE chief event in our Fraternity since our last issue has of coursebeen the three installations which took place three consecutive weekendsin April. Colorado Beta, Iowa Gamma and <strong>No</strong>rth DakotaAlpha successively took their position under newly unfurled bannersof argent and azure, making our roll of active chapters numberseventy-six. <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> most heartily welcomes these threeinfant chapters and each new initiate as a brother in the Bond.Our wish for each chapter is a long, and successful history and forevery member thereof a happy and prosperous life. Long live ournew chapters!But after birth, responsibilities begin and so it is with these newchapters even though yet in their swaddling clothes. Hence alongwith our congratulations we cannot but utter a few words of cautionand advice. To conduct any chapter over the dangers and pitfallsin the way of present day collegiate conditions is a difficult matter.These new chapters confront them without the ideals and traditionsof an old and long established chapter; in fact, ideals and traditionsmust be made, begining right away. That they may be of the bestand worthy of the lofty teachings of our Bond, is the desire of allloyal <strong>Phi</strong>s. We believe they will because no chapters in our Fraternityever started out under more auspicious circumstances. If wecould all at one time speak to our latest acquisitions, we believe thewords would be—"Look well to the Bond". Then, that being accomplished,we will ever rejoice on account of the wisdom displayedby the Chicago convention in granting three new charters.ANOTHER collegiate year is almost a fact of history. Soon nearlysix hundred members of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> will quit their chapter hallsnever to return as active members. Much of good they will leavebehind them in the way of honors won, studies mastered and friendshipscemented, and among so many, we fear that some of them mayhave left something of evil. To lower classmen the going out ofseniors is always a sobering thought and oftentimes they wonder howtheir chapter will get along next year without them. The chapterwill get along, but whether better or worse depends on the stuff thatis in those same underclassmen, and on the fraternity enthusiasm andreal work that they put forth.

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