1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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THE SCROLL 459homestead on upper Fall River, William Otis, Jr., and CharlesHarold, who reside with their mother in Eureka. He died at hishome in Eureka, Thursday, August 8th, at 11 p. m. aged 67 years,5 months, and 5 days.During his long residence in this county, Mr. Claycomb devotedhis time to farming and stock raising with the exception of fouryears (1875-79) when he served as sheriff of Greenwood county. Inhis business, he was successful, Claycomb ranch having been, formany years one of the best and most valuable farms of this county.About eight years ago, Mr. Claycomb and family moved to theirpresent home in Eureka but he retained active management of theranch until this year.—Eureka (Kan.) Herald, August 10, 1912.*WILLIAM KING CLEMENT, SOUTHWESTERN, '93Mr. Clement procured license to practice law in Milam County,Texas, in 1897, and located at Cameron, in this county, where hepracticed for about one year, then removed to Rockdale, in thiscounty, where he became a member of the law firm of Clement,Garner & Clement, and continued in the practice until 1907. He diedin October 1907, of tuberculosis of the bowels.He was married to Miss Nellie D. Davidson, of Georgetown,Texas, about 1902. He had no children. His widow, Mrs. NellieD. Clement in now a teacher in the Southwestern University ofGeorgetown, Texas.Mr. Clement stood high in his profession, and was regarded as oneof the ablest attorneys in this county.J. W. GARNER, Rockdale, Texas.kRUFUS FEARING DAWES, NORTHWESTERN '13While swimming in Lake Geneva on Thursday, September 5,1912, Rufus Fearing Dawes, <strong>No</strong>rthwestern '13, was striken withheart failure and drowned although he was taken from the wateralmost immediately.Brother Dawes's death was a shock to the whole city of Chicagoas well as to his host of friends, who have the more bitter feelingof personal loss. He was the son of Charles G. Dawes of Chicago,president of The Central Trust Company of Illinois and one of thebest known bankers in the city of Chicago. He was only twenty-oneyears of age and was a young man of distinctly unusual attainmentsand promise. To $ A ® and to Illinois Alpha especially has theloss been particularly great as during his one year at <strong>No</strong>rthwesternhe had shown himself an enthusiastic <strong>Phi</strong>. He attended <strong>No</strong>rthwesternfor one year and the next two years he spent at Princeton Universitywhere he would have graduated with the class of 1913. He wasborn in Marietta, Ohio, on December 11, 1890.

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