1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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THE SCROLL 441"Spirit."Max O'Brien of Iowa Beta."A New Circle and its Afterwhiles."Judge W. C. Lane of Rhode Island Alpha."Iowa Gamma."R. O. McMillen.In addition Brother Lamkin called upon Brother Morrison, wellknown to the Fraternity as the nephew of Father Morrison. Manyother brother <strong>Phi</strong>s responded to the call of our efficient toastmasterwith stories beyond all rivalry.It will now be the aim and purpose of Iowa Gamma to everbe a credit, and a chapter looked upon with pride by our nationalFraternity. She has been represented in all phases of college activityfrom glee club to every branch of athletics during this college year.At the present time she has three men on the varsity baseball squad.In scholarship she ranks second to but one fraternity out of twelvenationals now represented at Ames.Iowa Gamma now drinks a toast to Brothers Lamkin, Rader,Murphy, Baily, Fish—and so many other brothers who have beenresponsible for her birth that cannot be conveniently named. Againwe drink a toast to our General Council, past and present, andrenew our pledge to ever uphold the honor and dignity of our belovedfraternity, PHI DELTA THETA.MORRIS E. COCHRAN, Wabash, '11, and Ames, '13.INSTALLATION OF NORTH DAKOTA ALPHAThe dates of April 17, 18, and 19 saw the installation of the<strong>No</strong>rth Dakota Alpha chapter of * A ®, the baby chapter of the Fraternitywhich now numbers seventy-six strong. A chapter couldnot have been installed under more auspicious conditions. Thespring weather was perfect and every event was conducted in amost successful manner. With Brothers Thomas A. Davis, Reporterof the General Council and installing officer. Max Murdock,Vice-president of Zeta Province, Elmer C. Henderson, Historianof the General Council, the new chapter was installed in a mannernever to be forgotten. These national officers were assisted byWilliam O. McLelland, Hanover, '06, Matthew W. Murphy, SouthDakota, '09, Roscoe C. Spalding, Illinois, '15, Arthur E. Cobb, Iowa'88, Merton J. Orr, Minnesota, '11, W, Eden Thurston, Franklin,'09, Bernard V. Moore, DePauw, '03, and Dr. E. B. Stephenson,Knox, '03, of the faculty of the University of <strong>No</strong>rth Dakota.The ceremonies incident to the installation were started Thursdayafternoon, April 17, when the above named officers proceededwith the initiation of the duly elected officers of the new chapter.The initiatory ceremonies were conducted in the large chapter roomin the house.An informal reception was held at the house on the afternoon of

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