1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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38 THE SCROLL.NEW SONGS NEEDEDFor several years THE SCROLL has endeavored to induce membersto contribute fraternity songs for publication in the magazine and forrepublication in the song book. There have been a number of responsesto the appeals, though not so many as we desired. All ofthe songs that have appeared in THE SCROLL since the last edition ofthe song book was published, in 1902, were republished in The Palladiumfor February, 1912. One good song appeared in the lastnumber of THE SCROLL^ and two fine ones appear in this issue. Adozen more such contributions would make a splendid addition to thenext edition of the song book, which must be published soon, as theold edition is almost entirely exhausted. We are sure that there isenough poetic and musical talent in the Fraternity to produce a largentunber of songs that would live long in <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> hymnology.It would afford us much pleasure to receive several for publicationin our <strong>No</strong>vember issue.TWO NEW BETA BOOKSB @ II is fortunate in having several general officers who have hadlong experience in fraternity work and are very intelligent andefficient workers. One of these is Mr. James T. Brown, Cornell, '76,business manager of the Beta <strong>Theta</strong> Pi for many years, and editorof the latest edition of the catalogue. The fraternity has had eighteditions of the catalogue, the last one dated 1911 and issued earlyin 1912. Something over a -year was spent bv Mr. Brown in compilingthe book and seeing it through the press. The number of membersenrolled, excluding duplicate names, is 17,664—the number atthe close of the collegiate year 1910-11.To catalogue so many names within reasonable limits, it was necessaryfor the editor to study condensation, and to omit all unimportantmaterial. Still room is found for the full name, occupation and addressof each member; his baccalaureate and honorary degrees, withthe year each was granted and the college which granted them;prominent offices in B © II, if he held any; the letters $ B K, if hewas elected to that society; prominent positions held, usually withthe years they were held; and, in case of death, an asterisk and theyear (but not the place) of death, not omitting the last permanentresidence and the occupation of the deceased. We are informed thatpractically every living member was given the opportunity of verifyingthe data concerning himself. Evidences of painstaking editing,and, of what is even more rare in such a work, consistent editing, areapparent throughout the work.Great care was used in selecting a style of typography which wouldhave the greatest economy of space and still preserve a good appearance.The style was chosen after sample pages had been set up in

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