1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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THE SCROLL 439ful, losing but three invitations in the two years a,nd rushing againstthe strongest nationals at Ames. This success of course is in a greatmeasure due to the merits of the organization but too much creditcannot be given to the <strong>Phi</strong>s of Iowa, who co-operated individuallyand collectively in building up the Caduccia Fraternity and aidingit in securing a charter.Caduccia appeared at the Chicago convention and was granteda charter by the national Fraternity.It is difficult to name the father of Caduccia, but we may say thatshe has many uncles. Above all we may rightfully say that she hasa Grandfather who is none other than our past president, BrotherCharles F. Lamkin.Brothers Lamkin, Fred R. Cowles and James Stuart Morrisoncame to Caduccia April 11 as installing officers and with the directassistance of Brothers William Fowler Gutherie, Jr., Missouri, '15,L. M. Cox, Iowa Wesleyan, '14, Max O'Brien, Iowa, '14, and DeWitt G. Sowers, Iowa Wesleyan, '14, made the initiations and installedthe new chapter—Iowa Gamma. Twelve chapters were representedat the installation, i.e., Iowa Alpha 4, Kansas Alpha 4, Iowa Beta 4,Wisconsin Alpha 4, Missouri Beta 2, Missouri Alpha 1, NebraskaAlpha 1, South Dakota Alpha 1, Pennsylvania Zeta 1, OhioGamma1, Ohio Epsilon 1, and Indiana Beta 1.The following were the initiates; Active chapter, Ralph O. Mc­Millan, VanWert, Ohio, Horace I. Ringheim, Canton, S.. Dak.,Ralph J. Laird, Algona, Iowa, Ernest G. Rudolph, Canton, S.Dak., Dale E. Andrews, Waterloo, Iowa, James A. Bushnell, Algona,Iowa, and Frank S. Rodger, Ames, Iowa. Alumni, Paul W. Crowley.Galva, Iowa, E. V. H. Brown, Albert Lea, Minn., Earle F. Bridges,Oskaloosa, Iowa, Ernest E. Arthur, Des Moines, Iowa, Page L.Gilbert, Ottumwa, Iowa, Charles S. Vorse, Des Moines, Iowa, D. H.Deiraiead, Marshalltown, Iowa, Stanley H. Boyce, Cedar Rapids,Iowa, and H. G. McMillan, Jr., Rock Rapids, Iowa.At intermissions the brother <strong>Phi</strong>s were shown about the campusand it is said that some of the visiting brothers gave very highapproval of the Ames home economics department.It had been the request of Brother Cowles, our province president,that our quantity of good food be without limit and thatall formalities be abolished. At the conclusion of the installationceremonies the entire body of <strong>Phi</strong>s sat about the banquet table inAlumni Hall. Brother Lamkin presided as toastmaster:"Iowa State College as a <strong>Phi</strong> Delt Chapter Home."Prof. F. A. Fish of Ohio Epsilon'."<strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong>'s Foothold in Iowa."W. V. Bickelhaupt of Des Moines Alumni Club."The Convention."Robert W. Baily of Wisconsin Alpha."Pioneer <strong>Phi</strong>'Delts of Iowa."De Witt G. Sowers of Iowa Alpha.

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