1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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THE SCROLL 435E. S. Wade, W. V. Wakefield, H. L. <strong>No</strong>urse, Sam W. Baker, C. T.Forbes, J. H. Crampton, W. D. Thomas, C. V. Miller, S. E. Baker,W. C. Ross, R. A. Craise, M. V. Gibson, R. R. Nelson, J. W.Stocks, W. G. Christy, from the active chapter.Guests at the installation were Winthrop Leach, Colorado Alpha;H. H. Hurst, Kansas Alpha; J. Graham Lamb, Colorado Alphaand Pueblo Alumni Club; Willard Wagner, Missouri Alpha andDenver Alumni club; W. H. Spurgeon, Iowa Alpha, Rev. R. B.Wolf, Pennsylvania Beta, R. B. Downs, Kansas Beta, A. L. Brown,Missouri Beta, Chas. Castello, Colorado Alpha, H. L. Yarger, PennsylvaniaBeta, C. J. Rothgeb, Illinois Eta, D. E. Monroe, IndianaEpsilon, H. L. Pressey. Owing to examinations and a number ofimportant social functions many of the Colorado Alpha men who hadplanned to attend the installation, were unable to be present.T. W. Ross, Colorado College, '13.INSTALLATION OF IOWA GAMMAAZTEC—December 1904-May 1911.CADUCCI-4—May 1911-April 1913.IOWA GAMMA OF PHI DELTA THETA—April 12, 1913—forever.The Aztec fraternity was organized December 17, 1904, notonly for the purpose of promoting goodfellowship, but for thepurpose of sometime securing the grant of a charter from a nationalfraternity. They chose * A 0 as their aim.In their effort to build and maintain a group of fellows acceptableto * A 0 they gained recognition as the equals and in many casesthe superiors of the national fraternities at Ames. They petitioned* A 0 with that same "bulldog" tenacity that it takes to maintailia local organization among national fraternities. Due to the conservatismof * A 0 their petitioning was all in vain until the Niagaraconvention when they received their first ray of real hope.This hope came in the form of a motion passed by the committeeon chapters and charters suggesting that the Aztecs re-organize,each member to meet with the approval of the Des Moines AlumniClub, and then to again appear at national convention for consideration.During the fall of 1910 the Aztecs remained Aztecs, but wereever watched by Brothers F. A. Fish and H. B. Potter on thefaculty and Brothers L. P. Shaffer, Glen Houghton and M. E.Cochran of the student body. Representatives from the Des MoinesAlumni Club came to Ames, examined the situation, and held conferences.It was decided that a proposition should be put beforethe Aztecs suggesting a re-organization and naming the necessaryeliminations. Shaffer and Cochran met with the Aztecs and presentedthe proposition. It was accepted with great faith and enthusiasm.

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