1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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THE SCROLL. 35Dr. Mathews was initiated into <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> in the fall of1890 by the Pennsylvania Gamma chapter with the class of 1893,later he has been closely associated with both New York <strong>Delta</strong> andNew York Epsilon chapters though not formally affiliated witheither. He is also a member of two honorary fraternities, viz:Sigma Xi (scientific) Columbia 1905 and <strong>Phi</strong> Lambda Upsilon(chemical) Columbia 1908.PHIS AT EAGLESMEREThe Middle Atlantic States Student Conference was held this yearat Eaglesmere, Pennsylvania, from June 14-24 inclusive.Eaglesmere is an ideal place for a gathering of this kind. It issituated at the summit of the mountains of Lycoming County andboasts of the most beautiful natural lake in that section, which affordsthe visitor many enjoyable moments in the canoe, or on the bathingbeach. In addition to the attractiveness with which nature has endowedthis resort, man has contributed his efforts to make it comfortablewith many little cottages and big hotels, all located nearthe lake.About two hundred and fifty men registered, representing collegesin the States of New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware,Maryland, Virginia, Ohio, and Massachusetts. Of this number,six were members of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong>,—Brothers Pontius and Craryof Ohio Wesleyan, Prichett and.Wallace of Pennsylvania, Douglassof Princeton and Dr. Sloan of Virginia. Brother Pontius, who iswell known as a secretary of the International Christian AssociationCommittee was the executive head of the conference, and it waslargely due to his efforts that the conference was such a thorough success.It was the aim of the conference to develop the physical as well asthe mental and moral side of one's nature in this short stay and thatit succeeded in its aim is attested to by the interest and enthusiasmexhibited both in the classes and on the athletic field.Among the platform speakers were John R. Mott, Robert E. Speer,Bishop Rhinelander of Pennsylvania, Harry E. Fosdick, Dr. Cairnsand others. The athletic attractions were a tennis tournament, abaseball league, a track meet, a basketball league and an aquaticmeet which included swimming, boat and canoe races. Another veryenjoyable event was the mammoth bonfire which was lighted at theconclusion of the "stunts." Each college represented, presentedsome stunt. In case only one man Avas present from a college he waspermitted to give the college yell if he didn't care to sing. And soten very enjoyable days were spent and many friendships made andcemented, and everyone returned home in some way bettered.FREDERIC B. PRITCHETT, Pennsylvania, '13.

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