1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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THE SCROLL 419At the close of the eighteenth century the ministry overshadowed all otherprofessions and was chosen by about two-thirds of all graduates. One hundredyears later only about one-fifth of the graduates adopted this profession. Atthe close of the nineteenth century less than 6 per cent entered the ministry.Education, which was selected by only a comparatively small number down to1825, has advanced with great rapidity, until now if outranks all other professionsand is chosen by over one-fourth of the graduates. Law, at the end ofthe eighteenth century, was the profession of nearly one-third of all graduatesand outranked all other professions at this time. Since then if has lost in relativeimportance, although the actual number of graduates entering this fieldhas increased. Business claims an increasing proportion of graduates, untilat present nearly one-fifth enter an active business career. Less than i percent of the graduates of these thirty-seven colleges now enter agriculture. Acentury ago the proportion was between three and four times as great.—WilliamB. Bailey, Ph. D., assistant professor of economics in Yale University,in The Independent.COLLEGIATECornell has a new poultry husbandry building.A prize of $50 is offered to the student of the University of Kansas whowill write an acceptable play for the senior class.A course in forestry was begun at Wisconsin in January. Wisconsin's1913 summer school offers 305 courses in 50 subjects.The first number of the Chicago Literary Monthly will contain 32 pagesand will be published at the University of Chicago this month.Work will be begun this spring on a new $110,000 gymnasium at Union.One of its features will be a swimming pool, 75 feet long, 28 feet- wide and8 feet deep.The fiftieth anniversary of the School of Mines, now known as the Schoolof Mines, Engineering and Chemistry, and now the largest department ofColumbia University, will be celebrated in 1914.The lawsuit between the college of bishops of the Southern Methodist Churchand the board of trust of Vanderbilt University over the right of the boardto name its own members has been decided in favor of the bishops.The Carnegie Foundation has offered $3,000 to help meet the expenses ofthe next convention of the Cosmopolitan clubs of the world, which is to beheld at Cornell, August 29 to September 13. It is estimated that about 150undergraduates of European institutions will attend.Syracuse possesses what is considered the finest rowing tank in the world.A shell is moored in a large pool, and by means of gasoline-driven propellers,the effect of a river current is produced. There are various devices for themeasurement of speed and strength of stroke.—Z "^ Circle.The executive committee of the council of the medical department of theUniversity of Pennsylvania has published a resolution to the effect that anystudent who repeats a year because of failure is ineligible thereafter to repeatanother year for the same reason. Hereafter no student will be allowed toremain in the medical school more than five years.Among the clubs recently organized at the University of Pennsylvania isthe new "Hardship Club." The object is to overcome pain, fatigue, cold,and heaf by a close association with these conditions. A schedule of hardshipsto be undertaken has been prepared, such as many miles of walks before breakfast,sleeping on hardwood floors without bedding, etc.The new medical department of the University of Illinois was opened March6. The alumni presented to the university the property which formerly belonged

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