1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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412 THE SCROLLNew sorority chapters: $ M, Knox, Hanover, Buchtel and Maine; A A A,Wyoming and Nevada; K A. Cincinnati and Woman's College of Alabama;K K F; Oregon; ATA, <strong>No</strong>rthwestern; HE*, John B. Stetson (Florida).At the last convention of 2 A E, W. C. Levere, Past Eminent SupremeArchon, delivered a lecture on the history of the fraternity, illustrated withstereopticon views of relics of the founders and objects of historic interest.A stereopticon talk on colleges was given at the last convention of the AAAsorority.From the Vanderbilt correspondent of the S X Quarterly, we learn thatthe faculty of that university has offered a loving cup to the fraternity thathas the best scholastic grade this collegiate year. This is the only prize, sofar as we know, that has ever been offered for such a purpose by a collegefaculty, and it should be a great incentive to better class-room work. Wouldthat other institutions might follow Vanderbilt's example.Fraternities are established in 44 states—all except Wyoming, New Mexico,Nevada and Arizona. The II B 4" sorority entered the University of Wyomingin 1910, the $ M sorority the University of New Mexico iti 1911, the AAAsorority the University of Nevada in 1913. <strong>No</strong> sorority has yet entered theUniversity of Arizona?. At each of these four state universities there is oneor more local society organized to secure a charter from a fraternity.Southern K A has no active chapters north of Washington City and Delaware,but has thriving alumni chapters at New York City and Boston and atYale and Cornell. The New York chapter has the following varied programmefor the winter: October 11, smoker; <strong>No</strong>vember 2, dollar dinner; December 6,dance; January 17, annual banquet; February 14, valentine party, March 14,annual election; April 18, Dutch dinner; May 16, farewell smoker. This issuggestive to 4" A 9 alumni clubs.Still calling itself a quarterly, the 2 X Quarterly announces that hereafterit will be issued six times a year—in the months of January, February, April,May, September and <strong>No</strong>vember—instead of four times as heretofore. Foryears it has been the only fraternity journal with uncut edges, but now itappears in a new dress with cut edges, and asks what is thought of thechange. The inquiry was probably addressed to Sigs only, but perhaps wemay be pardoned for giving our opinion that the change is a very great improvement.A Pan-Hellenic banquet, held at Toledo on February 8, was attended byover 100 Greeks, ten of them <strong>Phi</strong>s. They telegraphed President W. O. Thompsonof Ohio State University, thanking him for his "broad-minded stand againstanfi-college fraternity legislation," and assuring him of their "hearty co-operationin making fraternities a useful part of college activities in every way."A response to the toast, "The College Fraternity in Professional Life," wasdelivered by Brother Robert N. Whiteford, Wabash, '90, professor of Englishliterature in Toledo University.9 A X has entered Toronto and the University of Washington, but notColgate as mentioned in the last SCROLL. A S $ has entered California andMassachusetts Agricultural College. A Z -^ has entered Rensselaer. S N hasentered the University of Maine. TI K A has entered Iowa State College. A X A,a new fraternity, has entered Brown and Massachusetts Institute of Technology."^^ S K has withdrawn from Queen's University, Kingston, Ont, theonly institution in Canada at which there was a chapter except McGill andToronto. * A T, a fraternity for students in chemistry, has entered California.2 T, the literary fraternity, has entered Texas, South Carolina andTrinity (N. C).Students who manage the various fraternity houses at Columbia have formedit House Manager's Association for the purpose of establishing a system ofco-operation between the fraternities and the university in the matter of buy-

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