1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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404 THE SCROLLhe prefers the real estate business to the study of the Romance languages.We merely remark that life was ever thus in a country village, and with asobbing sigh we pass on to the next verse.It is perhaps even sadd3r, for the Applied Economics Club, for BrotherLeftwich has been elected treasurer. Brother Kurth has joined the "Kamerita"club. This club has the firm intention of producing a musical comedy in thespring. "Pop" won't tell us why he is in it, but we think he is going to be achorus girl.I had intended to express a few original sentiments, but this letter is solong that I submit it to the editor with fear and trembling that he will not printit. And so with great reluctance, I must close. Perhaps I stepped on somebody'stoes again, but you know the expression: "Truth crushed to earth willrise again."Austin, Texas, February 24, 1913.TED DEALEY.TEXAS GAMMA, SOUTHWESTERNUNIVERSITYSeveral of the new men have moved into the chapter house since Christmasand are now enjoying the advantages of true fraternity life. Brothers NatH. Davis, Montgomery, Texas, and John B. King of Houston, Texas, haveridden the <strong>Phi</strong> goat since the last letter to THE SCROLL. The chapter regretsthe loss of Brother John S. Cain who was compelled to retire from school onaccount of his father's health. He assures us, however, that he will be backagain next fall to assist the rushing committee.Brother Boutwell was leader in the intercollegiate debate which was recentlyheld at Ft. Worth. Brother Blair was one of the winners of the intermediatedebate.The approach of the baseball season has brought out many candidates andit seems that Southwestern will be. able to produce a champion team thisyear. Conspicuous among those who report for practice every afternoon areBrothers Monning, King, Prichett, Wiseman, and Woods. They are all makinga good appearance on the field and without a doubt several of them will bestars of the nine. In tennis we are also well represented by Brothers Hardy,Woods, Burns and Blair.Brother H. D. Woods represented Texas Gamma at the national conventionat Chicago. He gave a very interesting report of the proceedings and thehospitality of our northern brothers. We are glad to learn that the nextconvention will be held at Birmingham, as probably several may be able foattend besides the usual delegate.Georgetown, Texas, February 21, 1913.R. H. WILLIAMS.VERMONT ALPHA, UNIVERSITY OF VERMONTMid-year examinations sounded the note for a casting off of the old activitiesand a beginning of an entirely new kind. Chiefly among the new will be baseball.As yet the marks are not heard from and the general uneasiness prevailingshows that many are a bit shaky, yet, I believe none fear any disastrous results.The greatest college event that takes place here is the "KoUege Kake Walk"which occurred this year on Friday evening, February 21, instead of the usualtime February 22. Theoretically the stunts are in progress weeks ahead of timebut practically fhe work begins about a week previous to the event during whichtime nothing is heard of but "Kake Walk". This year Vermont Alpha put ona stunt entitled "The Dream Lady". It was carefully planned and worked outsome time ahead and consisted essentially of a levitation act and the appearanceand disappearance of the so called "Dream Lady" in various places. This actwas made especially difficult by having the audience within a few feet andseated entirely around it. Those taking parts were Brothers Owens, '13, St.John, '14, Mayforth, '15, Maiden, '15, and Conroy, '16. We succeeded ingetting honorable mention.

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