1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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402 THE SCROLLBrother McCo.y who has entered the St, Paul College of Law. To replacethese men, we present three new pledges: Warren, Collins, and Binney.The chapter has been entertaining with a series of house dances which havebeen very enjoyable to all.Vermilion, S. D., February 21, 1913. S. F. WADDEN.TENNESSEE ALPHA. VANDERBILT UNIVERSITYThe grind of examinations is over, and university affairs are beginning toassume the even tenor of their ways. We regret very much to announce,since our last_ letter, that Brothers Waller, Love and West have retired fromthe university and we of Tennessee Alpha wish them every success in whateverline they may engage. The balmy days we have had recently turned the youngmen's fancies to thoughts of baseball, and Brother Walter Morgan, captain ofthe varsity, has had his hands full, whipping the new men into shape,Brother Davis Plummer's initiation into # A *, is most gratifying, as this isconsidered quite an honor in law circles. Brother Granbery, editor-in-chiefof the Commodore, Vanderbilt's annual, reports his copy nearing completion,and from all indications the 1913 edition will be one of the best in theannals of the university.Nashville, Tenn., March 5, 1913. L. F. SPERRY.TENNESSEE BETA, UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTHSince our last letter a new name has been added to Tennessee Beta's roll andwe take pleasure in introducing to the Fraternity, L. C. Chapman, of Texas.The baseball season has started at Sewanee and everything seems to indicatethat it will be successful. Brother Bowden, manager, has arrangedseveral trips for the team, including one to Florida and Georgia. BrotherEggleston of Sewanee Military Academy fame, is sure of his berth in thepitching staff. Brothers Fanning, Davis, and McGoodwin are also out for theteam.The brothers were very much in evidence at the pre-Lenten dances. Severalinformal dances were given at the chapter house and a few alumni were presentto help make them a success.The report of the mid-year examinations shows a wonderful improvement onthe part of the brothers. Everybody passed and gave the chapter an enviablestanding. It is hoped that the brothers will keep up their good work, andraise the average still higher in the coming quizzes.Brother J. Hortaire Guennard has come to us from Tulane University andhas been duly affiliated.Sewanee, Tenn., February 22, 1913.RANDOLPH H. COBB.TEXAS BETA, UNIVERSITY OF TEXASIt seems that my letters to THE SCROLL have been rather offensive to someof the members on account of certain rather disparaging remarks contained inthem—the letters, I mean. Brother Joe Russell in particular says he can nevereither forget or forgive the imputation cast upon his sapolio-like reputation. Itherefore here publicly apologize—and swear that unless absolutely necessaryI will refrain henceforth from ever telling the truth—that is, when it hurts.The following truths, however, will not hurt ^anyone, but on the contrary:The basketball season is just over and Brother Buddy has at last madegood! We must bow to Oklahoma A and M. Brother Buddy not only madethe team, but made it with both feet, having played in fine form throughoutthe season. His basket-throwing figured largely in the scoring. But toBrother "Pete" Edmond we must bow still Iqwer, for he not only made theteam, but also played every minute of every game—and notwithstandingthe fact th^f.this was his first year on the team, was elected today captainfor next year. We've got a right to brag a little, haven't we?

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