1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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THE SCROLL 401mas examinations, have withdrawn their forces and have decided to attack thebusiness world.Montreal, Que., February i6, X913.W. S. ATKINSON.RHODE ISLAND ALPHA, BROWN UNIVERSITYThe annual banquet was held on February 18 at the <strong>No</strong>on Day Club andwas in every way successful. Many of the alumni were present and thespeakers, Percy W. Gardiner, toastmaster, Oliver Kratz, '13, Nathaniel H.Gifford, '99, Hill, '16, and William L. Stidger, '12, presented talks whichbefitted the occasion. The atmosphere became saturated with intelligent ideasand dreams, some of which actually stand a chance of coming true, and speechmaking became contagious so that before the evening was over practically allof the alumni present made at least "several" remarks.One of the results of the banquet has been to bring more members of thealumni club into touch with the active members, and the meeting of the formerwith the younger, 1916 brothers, who are now shedding their lanugo.Before going further I want to call attention .to the meet we had with theHarvard gymnasium team at Cambridge the other night, the resulting scorebeing 33-21 in our favor. Brother "Ed" Hincks, captain of the team, took17 points out of the total 33. There is no need of debating the matter, "Ed"captured two firsts, two seconds and one third out of the six events. Withcoach Gay he is now centering practice about the defects which were shown tostill exist in the team at the Harvard meet, so that the team will be in goodcondition for the competition to take place with Amherst March 15.Speaking of honors achieved during the past month, scan for a minute thefollowing brief but significant statement.Brother "Lin" Gammell is practically sure of a place on the varsity baseballteam; Brothers Gottshall, Wells and Davenport have made the wrestlingsquad; Brother Rice has made the cast of "Chums", the farce to be producedby the Sock and Buskin society March 20.Finally a word concerning the interfraternity relay races which were runoff on Lincoln field last week. Brother John Kelly was chosen to captain ourteam but on the afternoon of the races being temporarily disabled he putBrother Rice in his place on the team. The team ran against X $ and wonby twenty yards, making Brother John grin when he heard the result an hourlater at his room.Providenccj R. I., March 8, 1913. S. J. ROWLAND.SOUTH DAKOTA ALPHA, UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH DAKOTAThe college is just now excited over the formation of an "Allied BarbarianAssociation" for the furtherance of social activities among non-fraternity men.The present movement is a good one and is in no way hostile fo fraternities.The fraternities, on their side are forming a Pan-Hellenic Union to promotegood feeling and unity of interests among the fraternities. During the lastmonth a new local called X 4' I has been formed to petition 2 X. It isreceived favorably by the other fraternities for it strengthens our position here.Since our last letter, honors have been scarce, indeed, but Brother Johnsonmanaged to get elected to the position of business manager of the sophomoreplay while Brother Gondolfo was assigned an important part. This is thethird year in succession that we have landed this managership. BrothersPowers and Vidal and <strong>Phi</strong>keia Warren are playing in most of the basketballgames and bid fair to win monograms while many other brothers are also workinghard on the squad. Brother Max Mahony won second place in the annualoratorical contest.The entire chapter weathered the mid-year examinations in good shape butwe regret to announce the withdrawal of Brother Pettigrew who has finishedhis course and who has gone to Ames to take up advanced work, and of

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