1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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THE SCROLL 399Smith, Robert M. Gotham, Frank H. Borden, John B. Judson, Francis H.Adler, John S. Lansill, David W. Hopkins.<strong>Phi</strong>ladelphia, Pa., February 9, 1913.H. STANLEY KREIMER.Chapter letters as confined by the editor are of necessity dry. .There is butsmall space for observations, a bare chance for a digression from the coldhard facts, hence no opportunity to build an interesting thesis of • themonth's happenings. The scribe is forced to stifle his imagination and confinehimself strictly to the record. You say, speak and write of the progress ofthe institution, why such progress is most closely according to schedule, andcan be told one year in advance, hence basing it upon this principle onechapter letter could do for the entire year. Yes, you now advise me to speakof the individual work by each brother and there would be a "flood ofmaterial" as Brother Jamieson (the high diver) expresses it. I grant yon this,but there is a great deal of sameness of if year after year, until it approachesthe monotonous, though we all enjoy seeing our names in print, thereforeI shall "go to it", (pardon wording) and attempt to give an account of themonth's happenings and attempt to create an interest in the letter.The second term is well started and from all appearances it will be verysuccessful for Pennsylvania Zeta. The recent semester's examinations haveplaced this chapter on a high level in scholarship and all the brothers areworking hard to maintain this high standard.A rather new innovation was tried at'this chapter the past month, namelythat of having gn influential social worker of this city, speak to us in aninformal manner of the higher ideals of society. The experiment proved tobe of such interest that a system has been adopted to have a speaker of likecharacter, at the chapter house, every second week, following the aforesaidone, that the brothers may profit by this learning, both intellectually andmorally.As regards the individual accomplishments I wish to say that BrothersJamieson (captain) and Ouerbacker and Borden did uphold the high positionof the swimming team. Brothers Bloom, Seelback, D. Wallace and R. Cranerepresented us on the basketball team. On the recent call for crew we haveBrothers A. Crane, B. Wallace and Kreimer varsity candidates; Hildebrand andGotham are trying for the freshman boat. Brothers Dutton and Swigertare on the track squad. A very high honor has been accorded BrotherPritchett in being chosen as Ivy orator for the senior class. On committeeswe have Brother Bloom chairman of the junior banquet committee; BrotherGordon on the Ivy ball committee; Brother Dutton, chairman of the juniorpicture committee; Brother Ouerbacker a representative on the junior canecommittee; Brother Swingle succeeded in making a position on the board ofthe Pennsylvanian; Brother Foltz has been. appointed on the board of theRed and Blue. In the "Mask and Wig" show we are represented byBrothers Hogan, in the cast, and Yeager and Judson in the chorus. BrothersYeager, Jamieson, Foltz and Judson are members of the combined musicalclubs.<strong>Phi</strong>ladelphia, Pa., March 10, 1913. H. STANLEY KREIMER.[NOTE: We regret that Brother Kreimer has felt so much restriction. We nowremove all limits and grant him as a "scribe" full play to his imagination. Let usnot "stifle" it.—Editor.]<strong>No</strong> letter received.PENNSYLVANIA ETA, LEHIGH UNIVERSITYPENNSYLVANIA THETA, PENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGEMid-year examinations closed with our good scholastic record still unbroken,and the second semester work is well started. Brother Waid andBrother Gamble left college to take positions in their respective lines ofwork. The chapter wishes them great success.

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