1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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32 THE SCROLL.known to exist. The cuts of the tavern and medal were reproducedin "The History of the <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> Fraternity," 1906, and areused again to illustrate this article.Originally chapters of * B K were called "branches" or "meetings".The branches for Harvard and Yale, chartered in 1779, were notestablished by Parmele until sometime later—the Yale branch in1780 and the Harvard branch in 1781. The Harvard charter waslost, but some years ago was discovered in a book shop in Boston andrestored to the Harvard chapter. Pink and blue ribbons and a bowwere attached to the seal on the charter, and these are consideredthe colors of the original * B K.In 1787 the Yale and Harvard chapters joined in establishing achapter at Dartmouth. The next chapters chartered were those atUnion in 1817; Bowdoin, 1826; Brown, 1830; Trinity (Conn.),1845; Wesleyan, 1845; Western Reserve, 1847; Vermont, 1848.The establishment of a chapter at Union led to the organization ofother Greek-letter societies of a secret nature, the first three of whichwere founded at Union—K .4 in 1825 and 2* and A * in 1827.Originally K A had a square badge, which was suspended from onecorner instead of from the middle of one side, as was the squarebadge of * B K. Later the badges of both societies were changed tothe form of a watch key.The prejudice against secret societies aroused by the anti-Masonicexcitement, which prevailed throughout the United States for anumber of years, led to an exposure of the secrets of $ B K. To the"Key to Freemasonry," by Avery Allyn, published in 1831. Was appendeda "Kev to the <strong>Phi</strong> Beta Kappa". This work gave the Greekmotto in full—"$t\oo-o

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