1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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THE SCROLL 393is a bill before the legislature to do away with all Greek letter, secret ordersor organizations of any kind in schools that receive the support of the state.However we are very hopeful of its not becoming a law.Columbus, Ohio, February 23, 1913.PAUL A. CAROTHERS.OHIO ETA. CASE SCHOOL OF APPLIED SCIENCEMid-year examinations are over and Ohio Eta has come through withflying colors. <strong>No</strong>t one man was lost. This is better than was done by mostof the other Case fraternities, and for this reason we feel proud of ourrecord.The formal dinner-dance, held by Ohio Eta, at the Euclid Club on January17 was a big success. The dance was attended by thirty-one couples of whomeleven were alumni. We were sorry not to have our Cleveland alumni turnout better, but take most of the blame upon ourselves. There was a mistakeabout notifying them and consequently many did not know about the affair.The favors were brown Russian leather wallets containing the menu anddance program. This was a rather novel feature and all were very muchpleased with it.The junior prom was held on the twenty-first of February at Cleveland'snewest and finest hotel. Hotel Statler. About one hundred couples attended thedance which started at nine o'clock and the supper which was served at twelve.After the datace the <strong>Phi</strong>s who were there, and the members of the dancecommittee, of whom two are <strong>Phi</strong>s, brought their partners and chaperones out tothe chapter house for a dawn breakfast. This is something entirely newfor Ohio Eta and was a great success, considering the fact that it was merelyan experiment. Small hatchets were used for place cards in recognition ofWashington's Birthday.Our seniors are getting ready to take their two week's inspection trip.Brother Jungk and Beatty will go south to Chattanooga with the electricalsand Brother McDaniel to St. Louis with the mechanicals. This trip is alwayslooked forward to by the seniors, not only because of the good times butbecause of the interesting plants which are inspected.Cleveland, Ohio, February 22, 1913.ALBERT T. CASE.OHIO THETA, UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATIThe first semester has passed and Ohio <strong>Theta</strong>'s chapter roll remains thesame. We did not lose any of our freshmen and we feel that we have pickeda bunch of whom we can feel proud.Appropriations have been passed for the erection of a chemistry buildingwhich will be of the latest style and which will be equipped with the latestappliances for experimental chemistry.The vaudeville show held in the first part of January was a success andit has been decided to give another one the first part of March when Ohio<strong>Theta</strong> will be represented in a musical comedy.Two social affairs were given since the last letter was written. They werethe senior hop of which Brother James Pottenger was on the committee, andthe junior prom, Brother Wunder being the chairman. The latter was thebest prom that has been held at varsity for some time both in decorationsand in numbers. The idea of the decorations represented a Japanese gardenwith quaint black programs and was held in the gymnasium.In the preliminaries Brothers Wunder and Mclntire made the first teamand Brothers James Pottenger and Burt Robinson made the second for a debatewhich will be held the latter part of March against Earlham College.January 31 Ohio <strong>Theta</strong> entertained the parents of members and as a resulta mothers' club was formed and we hope to receive many presents for thehouse. We also entertained at dinner on February 14, ten young ladies andafterwards took in the Denison-Cincinnati basketball game.

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