1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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THE SCROLL 391day evenng, March 14. It is planned this year to make this a grand reunionof all the living alumni and active members. Special preparations are beingmade to .make it a memorable occasion.During the basketball season, now almost completed, Syracuse has been almostalways victorious, having had one of the best teams in its history. Hockeywhich is only in its second year here also proved a great success. In track,Syracuse, due principally to unfamiliarity with the tracks, lost in the relayraces at New York and Boston by small margins. In a two mile relay withUnion, held February 22, In the gymnasium, Syracuse won by almost onelap or 150 yards. New York Epsilon was represented on both mile and twomile teams by Brother Taylor, '14, who broke the university indoor half-milerecord in his relay.The adoption of the honor system is the principal subject of discussion atSyracuse just at present, and will be voted on next Tuesday by the studentbody. It is needless to say that New York Epsilon is strongly supportingit.Brother Throckmorton has recently been awarded his block S in football.Calls have been issued for both baseball and crew candidates and prospectsare bright for a successful season in both. Brothers Weeks, Kember, and Morrow,are out for freshmen crew and are showing up well.Brother White, '16, is showing up extremely well in the shot put being alreadyreckoned as probably the best in college.Brothers Plough, '14, De Young, '15, and Richer, '16, have been initiatedinto Tambourine and Bones, the university musical organization.Brother Paul Crosby, Medicine '15, recently became the father of a finebaby girl.Syracuse, N. Y., February 25, 1913.GARRICK M. TAYLOR.NORTH CAROLINA BETA, UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA<strong>No</strong> letter received.OHIO ALPHA, MIAMI UNIVERSITYThe chapter has again resumed its work after the mid-year vacation witheverybody back except Brother Doeller, who was compelled to withdraw onaccount of sickness.The junior prom was given on the night of January 31 in Herron gymnasium.In connection with the prom, Ohio Alpha entertained, as usual, witha house party. In number of guests and alumni entertained, the party thisyear surpassed those of previous years. The evening before the prom, the<strong>Phi</strong>s attended the Madrigal Club concert, and the evening after, the chapterentertained with an informal dance and chafing dish party.Prospects for a winning track team are good this year, and Brothers Ruder,Callis, Prugh, and Reeves are working out for "jobs" on the squad. Springfootball and baseball practice are progressing favorably and the <strong>Phi</strong>s are wellrepresented at practice.During the last month Ohio Alpha has had visits from many of her alumni.Oxford, Ohio, February 24, 1913.W. H. FIEGENBAUM.OHIO BETA, OHIO WESLEYAN UNIVERSITYOhio Wesleyan University has this year, as usual, a very fast basketballteam. Ohio Beta is represented on the team by Brothers Wright and Gates,forward and guard, respectively, arid by Brothers Thompson and Harris,sub-forward and sub-guard. It is no infrequent occurrence for all four ofthese men to be playing in the same game.In the interfrafemity basketball league there is a spirited contest for thepossession of the cup which is now held by * K •^. Three teams have goneso far through the schedule undefeated, * K •*, S X, and * A 9.

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