1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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390 THE SCROLLBrother Rockwell surprised us with a Washington's birthday supper."Rockie" certainly knows how to best appeal to the brothers, that is, to someof them at least.Mid-year examinations are finished and the chapter as a whole did well, althoughnot quite as well as: we should have done. All are starting the secondterm right, as we realize that good consistent work must be done to keep ourstandard as high as we wish it to be.Ithaca, N. Y., February 25, 19x3. H. WALLACE PETERS.NEW YORK BETA. UNION COLLEGEThe basketball team has met with great success so far this season winningeight of the nine games played. The recent victory over West Point wouldseem to indicate that we have one of the best teams in the East.It was officially announced a short time ago that Union's new $100,000gymnasium would be started early in the spring.In the near future the dramatic club will present the three act comedy,"Snowball", by Sydney Grundy. 4" A 0 is represented in the cast by BrotherSantee, '16.The senior class committees have been announced. Brother Lent, '13, willserve on the cap and gown committee.We regret to report that Brother Ogsbury, '16, has been forced to leavecollege because of illness^In the past few weeks we have taken great pleasure in visits from BrothersHawn, '04, Richards, '07, Van Aernam, '12, Palmer, '12, Hall, '13, andAbbott, '14.Schenectady, N. Y., February 25, 1913.JOHN P. LACEY.NEW YORK DELTA, COLUMBIA UNIVERSITYWith another junior week successfully terminated New York <strong>Delta</strong> smileson the advent of a new semester which beams with success and happiness forthe chapter.New York <strong>Delta</strong> takes great pleasure in introducing to the Fraternity,Brothers Walter Reid, White Plains, N. Y.; Godfrey C. Updike, Brooklyn,N. Y.; Ralph S. Cramer, Passaic, N. J.In the trials for the varsity show of 1913, Brothers Graham, McHale,and Cramer have been successful. Brother Graham of varsity show famelast year, has again secured a leading part. Brother Graham's distinguishmentand reputation have been still furthered by his creditable workas editor-in-chief of the Columbian. His unceasing efforts have achieved theirpurpose, the Columbian is out two months earlier than ever before, and is asplendid volume too.On the most important committee of the junior class, the prom committee,we are represented by Brothers Graham and Petersen. Brother Constant, '16,secured a place on the freshman fencing team; Brother Hillas, '13, managerof the baseball team, announced the commencement of work and in a realbrotherly spirit Brothers Brophy, '15, McKinliss, '16, Murray, '16, and Hamilton,'16, have responded. We are represented on the crew squad by BrothersMiner, Weed, <strong>Phi</strong>lipson and Herkert who are pursuing honors for the varsity.Brothers Oberrender and Reid are just mastering the art of swinging fhesweeps in the freshman squad.New York <strong>Delta</strong>'s status is pleasing. Conditions loom up brighter andmore promising each day, and we can safely say that we are enjoying ourmost prosperous year.New York, N. Y., February 23, 1913.STANLEY W. THOMPSON.NEW YORK EPSILON, SYRACUSE UNIVERSITYMembers of New York Epsilon are just at present looking forward withkeen anticipation to fhe annual alumni banquet which will take place Fri-

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