1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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THE SCROLL 387We had the pleasure of a visit from Brothers Reed and Vincent of IowaUniversity on February 14.Since our last letter we take pleasure in introducing <strong>Phi</strong>keias Williams andBrown.Brothers Klimenhagen and Webster will make a tour of the state with theuniversity glee club during Easter vacation. Brother Webster just returnedfrom a trip through northern Minnesota scheduling the Easter tour. BrotherLindeberg is captain of the cross-country track team. Through the able managementof Brother Hoshour on the Gopher staff over seven hundred morecopies of the Gopher were sold than on any previous year.Minneapolis, Minn., March, 1913.R. O. WEBSTER.MISSOURI ALPHA, UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURIWe have succeeded in making a very creditable showing during the firstsemester in scholastic standing, the thing of the most importance to fraternitieshere. We received 100 per cent for the first semester, which is far above theaverage fraternity standing and considerably above the standing of the studentbody.One of our strongest and most loyal members, the president of the chapterand of the Pan-Hellenic Council Brother R. A. Drum graduated from the uni-.versify last semester. His loss was partly retrieved, however, by the winningof our newest pledge. Coy Boer.It is very probable that we shall begin the construction of a new and suitablechapter house, within a few months. Our alumni are being given an opportunityto show how much or how little interest they have retained for their chapter.Brother W. B. Burrus and his wife made us a week's visit following theirvisit to the national convention at Chicago. Brother Burrus is an alumnusof this chapter and the former president of Beta Province. Brothers FrankMann and R. C. Smith also made us a visit.Missouri Alpha extends her welcome to her new sister chapters in ColoradoCollege, Iowa State College and the University of <strong>No</strong>rth Dakota.Columbia, Mo., February 24, 1913. Jos. H. MOORE.MISSOURI BETA, WESTMINSTER COLLEGEWe have initiated recently Robert L. Andrae of St. Louis, and James McW.Lemon of Fulton, and fake pleasure in introducing them to the Fraternity.Grady Hord of Tebbets is now wearing the <strong>Phi</strong> pledge button.The annual Christmas banquet and dance was given on the night of December20. About thirty couples attended and had a very enjoyable time.Among the out-of-town visitors were Brothers Bartley, now in Milwaukee,Guthrie of Missouri Alpha, and Ready, '11, and wife. We have recently hadvisits from Brothers Bryan Wilson, '09, and Penney, 'ii.The annual elections of class officers were held in January. Twelve <strong>Phi</strong>swere among those chosen, including three class presidents and two vice-presidents.On account of the illness of his father. Brother Robnett is unable to be inschool this semester, but we hope to have him with us again in the. fall.Brother Robertson did not enter school the second term and has returned tohis home in Mexico, Mo.The chapter has recently rented and moved into a new home. Althoughnot as large as the house we had last year, it is new and convenient, besidesbeing closer to the college.Westminster's prospects in the state debating contest are bright. BrotherGreen of last year's team will probably represent us again. Brothers R. F. andJ. S. McCampbell, Barker, Green, and Edmunds attended the PresbyterianLaymen's Convention at Memphis this week.

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