1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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THE SCROLL 385tions two weeks ago, and Maine Alpha was very fortunate in that all thebrothers successfully passed the test.We had a very pleasant evening recently, when all the brothers enjoyeda sleigh-ride, oyster supper and dance, at one of the adjoining country towns.Brother Keyes, manager of the musical clubs, has arranged a very fine tripfor the spring vacation, through Aroostook country.The dramatic club, under the management of Brother Small has been organized,play selected and members of the cast chosen. With Brother Small,Maine Alpha is represented by Brothers Larkin and Warren.The baseball team was called out for indoor practice. Prospects are verygood for a successful team this spring. Upon the squad we have BrothersLowney, Fraser, Dacey, Taylor, Harlow, I. Merrill, Blackington, Curtis, Davis,Hawes and Niles.We have initiated a new member and take pleasure in introducing to theFraternity, Ernest W. Warren, '14, of Caribou, Me.Brother Davis and Tibbetts were elected to the Druids, the junior honorarysociety.Waterville, Me, March i, 1913. NORMAN J. MERRILL.MASSACHUSETTS ALPHA, WILLIAMS COLLEGEOver the week end of February 16, Massachusetts Alpha held her firsthouse party of the present year. Seventeen guests were entertained. Thefestivities began with a house dance on the evening of the fourteenth. Thefollowing day our guests witnessed varsity hockey and basketball games andon Sunday the festivities were brought to a close with a sleigh ride and latesupper.In the mid-term examinations just passed Massachusetts Alpha maintainedher high standard in scholarship. In college activities we have also been wellrepresented. Brother C. M. Jones, '13, has been elected assistant editor of the1913 Clasg Book; Brother Hodge, '14, is playing his usual brilliant game onthe basketball team, Brother Dempsey, '15, is also on the squad. BrotherShriver, '15, has been elected assistant business manager of the Record, BrotherPorter, '15, is a member of the sophomore prom committee and Brothers Clarkand Conway, '16, have been taken on the musical clubs.We regret much to announce that Brother J. H. Main, '16, resigned fromcollege in order to enter business.During the past weeks we have had the pleasure of entertaining several of ouralumni among whom were; Brothers W. A. Newell, '05; Hulst and Case, '06;Lewis, '09; and Parker, 'ii. Brother J. B. Shaw, Lafayette, '85, also paid usa visit.Williamstown, Mass., February 24, 1913.EDWARD H. TITUS, Ja.MASSACHUSETTS BETA, AMHERST COLLEGEThe chapter has once more emerged from the semi-annual examination period.Brother Burke, '15, has withdrawn from college for the remaining part of theyear, but in all probability will return next September.The new chapter house is progressing very rapidly. By the end of thismonth all the plastering will be completed. The contractor is figuring onMarch for interior finishing. This will allow us April for decorating and furnishingthe house. We see no reason now why the chapter will not be stationedin its new quarters some time in May. The dedication committee,.will meetin Boston on Saturday, March i. Brothers Stone, '13, and Renfrew, '14, willrepresent the chapter there.Brother Wilcox, '13, captain of the hockey team, was unable to turn outthe successful team he desired, owing to the exceedingly mild winter. Theteam suffered defeats from West Point by a score of i-o, and from M. A. C,2-0. R. P. I. was defeated 5-0, and the game with Williams resulted in no

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