1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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THE SCROLL 383KENTUCKY ALPHA-DELTA. CENTRAL UNIVERSITYThe second semester began on February i, and we are glad to report thatall of our new men have successfully passed the first Scylla and Charybdis intheir college course, the first final examinations. This is the first year thatCentre College has employed the semester plan since it was abolished severalyears ago for the three term plan.On February 4 an alumni banquet was held in the historical old CollegeHome, the birth place of Centre College. A great many of our alumni werepresent and the banquet was a success from the beginning to the end. BrotherM. D, Cowan gave a most delightful toast on the relation of the alumni to'Centre College. Brother Hinitt, Missouri Beta, President of Central University,made a speech on fhe educational conditions in the south. This speech wasso much appreciated by the alumni that a. motion was made and unanimouslycarried requesting Doctor Hinitt to have the speech printed and distributedamong the alumni.The annual twenty-second dance was held on the evening of February 21,and was largely attended both by the town-people and by visitors. BrotherWiseman, '14, is a member of the hop club which is to be much congratulatedfor the excellent dances which it has promoted during the past few months.The basketball team up until this date has been unusually successful. Centraland Georgetown College will play their final game next week which willdecide the state championship. Brothers Byron and Swope have both made thevarsiy team and have shown their ability as athletes.During the past month we have enjoyed visits from Brothers Walker, '11,and Rogers, '13, of Kentucky Epsilon; also from Brother "Due" Gill of Lancaster,Ky. Brother Gill has always been one of our most loyal alumni andhas again shown his interest in a most substantial way. Brotiier Gill is oneof the leading business men of Lancaster.Danville, Ky., February 26, 1913.W. B. GUERRANT.KENTUCKY EPSILON, KENTUCKY STATE UNIVERSITYWe take great pleasure in introducing to the Fraternity four new brotherswho have worn the sword and shield since January 18. They are-: WilliamKENTUCKY EPSILON'S CHAPTER HQUSE.Clarke, Owensboro, Ky,; Bently Young, Louisville, Ky.; Henry Cromwell,Cynthiana, Ky.; and Hugh Kice, Pewee Valley, Ky. A Pan-Hellenic rule

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