1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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380 THE SCROLLSince our last letter, Indiana' Zeta has been visited by Brothers Charlesand Chester Jewett, of Indianapolis; Brother Scheier, of Michigan Alpha;Brothers Kent and Cravens of Indiana Alpha, Brother Federman, of IndianaBeta; and Brother Albert C. Funkhouser, of Evansville.Greencastle, Indiana, February 24, 1913. W. CLYDE ALLEN.INDIANA THETA, PURDUE UNIVERSITYDuring the week end of February 6, 7, 8, and 9, we held our annual midwinterhouse party. There were in all, twenty-four guests. We startedthe good times with a big dance on Thursday night. On Friday night, weattended the Purdue-Minnesota basketball game, and then spent the rest ofthe evening in dancing. There was a theater party on Saturday afternoon, andthat night the annual Pan-Hellenic dance was held and was well attendedby the brothers. The house party, which broke up Sunday afternoon wasundoubtedly a big success.Since the last letter to THE SCROLL, we have pledged H. W. Scott of Richmond,Indiana.So far this year, the basketball team has been rather a disappointment tothose of us who saw last year's team play. Still, our team has shown a decidedimprovement in the last few games, and we have a chance of finishing highup in the percentage column. Brother Berry has been doing stellar work allseason as back guard, and, as he has played in all of the games up to date,has won his P. Brother Little has been doing excellent work at forward, andhas played in all of the games but one, so that he, too, has won his letter.We surely feel proud of these two brothers, and think that they deservecongratulations on their success.The official call for baseball has been issued, and Brothers Little • and VanVoorhees have' signed up. Both of these men have had a good deal of experienceat this game, and should have no trouble in making the team.West Lafayette, Indiana, February 25,-1913.E. S. HAYMOND.IOWA ALPHA, IOWA WESLEYAN UNIVERSITYWith the beginning of the second semester on February 4, the chapter hassuccessfully passed through another series of examinations. The work hasbeen above the average this year and the chapter is indeed proud of itsscholastic standing.The new semester finds Iowa Alpha and her pledges awaiting the approvalof the faculty on initiation petitions.^ A semester's residence, registration asa bona fide student for the second semester and an average grade of C inall studies, without a failure in any single study, are the requirements forinitiation this year.Iowa Wesleyan's basketball season is rapidly drawing to a close and ithas been a most successful season. The chapter has had the pleasure of entertainingseveral members of Illinois <strong>Delta</strong> and Zeta when the Knox andLombard teams met Wesleyan here. Class basketball teams have been organizedthis year and the series has incited a great deal of interest. WithBrother Howard Goehring as captain and manager of the sophomore team andseveral <strong>Phi</strong>s on each of the other class teams the chapter has a good representationin this series.Unusual interest is being taken in forensics at Wesleyan this year. Asidefrom the usual colleges teams, class teams have been organized. Each classdebate is in the hands of a committee. Brother Johnson being chairman ofthe sophomore committee and <strong>Phi</strong>keia Zurawski heading the freshman committee.Brother Everett Shipley will represent Iowa Alpha in the sophomoretry-out.In the recent literary society elections Brother Herbert N. Jeffrey waffelected president of Hamline, the leading men's society.As a farewell function before leaving for the holidays Iowa Alpha gave aninformal party on December 16, The house was tastefully decorated with

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