1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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THE SCROLL <strong>37</strong>9Robert Dorsey, a pledge to the chapter will enter this term. The winterterm closes March 21 and the spring term opens March 25 and quite an additionwill be made to the present enrollment as is evinced by the inquiriesduring the present term.Franklin, Ind., February 24, 1913. HAROLD OVERSTREET.INDIANA EPSILON. HANOVER COLLEGEA successful basketball season is almost at a close at Hanover. <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong><strong>Theta</strong> has probably contributed more players this season than any otherorganization. Brothers Kehoe and McLaughlin held positions as forward andguard on the varsity, while in the class teams, Brother Macdonnell playedforward on the senior team; Brother C. Montgomery, forward on the juniorteam, Brother K. Montgomery, captain and forward on the sophomore team;Brother Grashear and <strong>Phi</strong>keia F. James, guard and center on the freshmanteam; and <strong>Phi</strong>keia James and McCain, center and guard on the academy team.The opening of indoor practice in baseball sometime next month will seeBrothers McLaughlin, captain and shortstop, and Kehoe, left field, and<strong>Phi</strong>keias F. James, first base, and C. James, pitcher, all members of last year'svarsity, on hand together with Brother Brasher and <strong>Phi</strong>keia McCain whoseem to be promising players.Brother Macdonnell has been elected secretary of the senior class andBrother Huber assistant in the botanical laboratory.Brother Brashear is the only man in college who has so far made fhesenior requirements in the shot-put for membership in the new honorary athleticfraternity, Sigma <strong>Delta</strong> Psi. Brothers McLaughlin, Kehoe and C. Montgomeryhave made the junior requirements.Rho chapter of <strong>Phi</strong> Mu was installed at Hanover on January 31, 1913by Miss Louese Monning, grand president of the sorority, with eight chartermembers. This is the first national sorority in Hanover since i8g8 at whichtime Kappa Alpha <strong>Theta</strong> withdrew.The Hanover chapter of Sigma <strong>Delta</strong> Psi was installed February 10, withsix charter members, consisting of the faculty committee on athletics and thephysical director and athletic coach.Hanover, Ind., February 15, 1913.L. L. HUBER.INDIANA ZETA, DEPAUW UNIVERSITYThe flunker has erased his name from the chapter roll of Indiana Zeta and<strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> leads in scholarship a"t De Pauw. Our record, including<strong>Phi</strong>keias, for the semester ending January 27, 1913, shows that no manflunked. One brother received a condition in three hours which has alreadybeen satisfied and his credit adjusted. This is decidedly a new departure forIndiana Zeta and all the brothers have started into the work of the new semesterwith a determination to win another victory in the months which areto come.Brothers Minfzer, Ellis, and Olcott have won their places upon the universitydebate squad. These brothers are working hard to make their placesupon the teams which will represent De Pauw in an annual debate with IndianaUniversity.De Pauw athletics are now in the process of reformation. An alumniathletic advisory council, of which Brother Charles Jewett of Indianapolis ispresident and Brother Samuel K. Ruick is a member, was appointed earlyin the fall to advise with the present athletic managership board. This councilhas done some very effective work and on the afternoon of February 15 at astudent mass meeting, gave a report of its. doings. Brother Charles Jewettwas the principal speaker at this meeting.The candidates for next season's track squad are now practicing three afternoonseach week. Brothers Smith, Jewett, Olcott, and Grady are showing upwell and are working hard for places upon the team.

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