1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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<strong>37</strong>4 THE SCROLLball this season. The season closes with a home game on February 20.Brother Cornwall is chairman of the* committee on caps and gowns, andsenior play committee. Brother Watts is one of the cast in the senior playand Brother Whitten is manager. In the staff elections for the 1915 Annual,Brother McGregor was elected assistant business manager; Brother <strong>Phi</strong>llips,joke editor; Brother Anderson, art editor, and Brother Youngs, photo editor.Brother Shipkey is business manager for the freshman class. Idaho Alphawill be well represented in both track and baseball, this spring.President MacLean left February i for Winnipeg to assume the dutiesof president of the University of Manitoba. Dean W. L. Carlyle is actingas temporary president.Moscow, Idaho, February 17, 1913.VERNON P. FAWCETT.ILLINOIS ALPHA, NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITYThe semester just over has been very successful in many ways, and we arestarting out the new semester with every indication that it will be more prosperousthan the first. We take great pleasure and pride in presenting to theFraternity the following newly initiated brothers: U. B. Groves, Kenyon Pope,J. L. Turnbull, E. B. Wilcox, Grant Goodrich and Frank W. Hawley.At present <strong>No</strong>rthwestern is in the midst of great excitement pending thesettlement of the method of selecting the chairman of the two prom committees.The question is now before the university social committee. The method whichhas been used has been a joint election by the interfraternity council, and thelocals and barbs. The present agitation has been stirred up by the barbs, whohave become dissatisfied with the present system.Our varsity swimming team has defeated both Chicago and Wisconsin,which bids fair to give us first place in the conference. The varsity basketballteam is a contender also for conference honors. Brother C. A. Aldrichis guard on the varsity basketball team.Since our last report. Brother Eaton has been elected delegate to the NationalUniversity Civic League, which meets in New York City this year. BrothersEaton and Dick are members of the interfraternity council. Brother Kelleywas recently elected treasurer of Aleph Teth Nun.Illinois Alpha gave a formal dinner party at the chapter house, followedby a dance at the Wilmette Woman's Club, on the evening of February 7., Evanston, 111., February 24, 1913. WILLIAM C. KELLEY.ILLINOIS BETA, UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOIllinois Beta takes great pleasure at this time in introducing to the Fraternity,Brothers Donald J. Mather, Chicago, 111.; Edmund J. O'Connor,Chicago, 111.; and Leland W. Parr, Newman, 111. Since the writing of our lastletter we have affiliated Brother Sidney C. Jackson, Wisconsin Alpha, andBrother Arden E. Ross, South Dakota Alpha.The brothers are taking an active part in college activties. Brother Parkinsonhas been nominated president of the Reynolds Club and is practicallyassured of being elected. He is also captain of the gym team and on theswimming team. Brother Steinbrecher has been appointed chairman of theexecutive committee of the senior class and was also a member of the Washingtonprom committee. Brothers Francisco, Parry and Stringham are on thebaseball squad. Brother Acker is a member of the freshman basketballteam; Brother O'Connor is on the freshman basketball squad and a member ofthe freshman swimming team. Brothers Acker, Shaffer and O'Connor are in theBlackfriar chorus; Brother Shaffer is also on the Maroon staff. <strong>Phi</strong>keiaScanlon, star guard on last fall's football team is making good on the trackteam this spring.Illinois Beta is in splendid shape and is experiencing one of the mostprofitable and successful years in the history of the chapter.Chicago, 111., March i, 1913.WM. S. MATHEWS.

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