1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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<strong>37</strong>2 THE SCROLLprofessional baseball, having played with the Western, Ohio State, and Tri-' State leagues. Brother "Jack" is a junior engineer.Brother Millikin will take the leading part in a one-act play to be given soonby the dramatic club. He also will be a member of the Colorado debatingteam which clashes with the IJniversity of Utah team at Salt Lake City inApril.Boulder, Colorado, February 20, 1913. JOHN HENDERSON.GEORGIA ALPHA, UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIAMid-term examinations have checked baseball practice, but practice willbe resumed when they are over. Prospects now look brighter than they dida month ago. Brothers Clements, Lester, Johnson and Dorsey made the baseballsquad. Brother Clements is showing up well at present, and it looks nowas if he will be the regular short stop.On account of Lent our annual dance which was to have been given February7 was postponed.Brothers Hood and McDonal went to Washington to'the inauguration.Brother Meadow was elected captain of the * A © baseball team. BrotherDaniel was elected "waterboy".Brother Freeman was recently initiated into Sphinx, the highest honorarysociety in college.Athens, Ga., March 9, 1913.FRANK A. HOLDEN.GEORGIA BETA, EMORY COLLEGEWe take great pleasure in presenting to the Fraternity Brothers Louis P.Bondurant, '16, of Valdosta, Ga., and Edward V. Walker, '16, of Sparta,Ga. These men were pledged only after a very strenuous rushing campaignand we feel sure they will prove a credit to <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong>. Georgia Betanow numbers twenty-two active members, besides Brother L, C. Gray, '13,who is studying for his A.M. degree and <strong>Phi</strong>keia Smith, '17. We have justcompleted our fall term examinations and note with pleasure that the brothersare maintaining our high standard of scholarship.In a recent election Brother H. J. Pearce, Jr., was elected champion debaterand Brother G. W. Matthews, Jr., sophomore debater, for <strong>Phi</strong> Gamma LiterarySociety. Brother Pearce was also appointed alternate in the intercollegiatedebate that Emory will soon hold with Eniory and Henry College.<strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> is well represented in basketball, the following brothersplaying on their respective class teams: J. C. Crittenden, '14; T. C. Rogers,'14; G. W. Matthews, Jr., '15; G. N. Thomas, '16; and <strong>Phi</strong>keia Eldred Smith,'17. Brother Crittenden is also captain of the junior team. Brother C. B.Merritt, '16, has been elected baseball manager of the freshman class. BrotherJ. C. Crittenden was recently elected fo the Owls Social -Club. This is anupperclass organization limited to twelve men. Of this number <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong><strong>Theta</strong> now has-six.Oxford, Ga., February 23, 1913.T. C. ROGERS.GEORGIA GAMMA, MERCER UNIVERSITYTo fail, or not to fail—that is the question. Whether 'tis nobler in themind to suffer supplementals, or to cram for the next ten days and thus avoidthem. We earnestly expect that every brother in the Bond will adopt thelatter course.<strong>No</strong>twithstanding the fact that examinations are fast approaching we observethat the campus and college community is alive with new activites. Baseballpractice began ten days ago. Brother John B. Cobb is managing the team.Brothers Irwin, Mallary, Wills and Roddenberry of last year's varsity willin all probability appear in the line up again this season. Brother F'rank <strong>No</strong>rman,of football fame, may be an addition to fhe pitching staff later.

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