1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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THE SCROLL <strong>37</strong>1CALIFORNIA BETA'S "S"MEN.Left to right: R. <strong>No</strong>ble, '12, football; G. L. Shaul, '13, tennis; A. Sanborn, '12,football; R. R. Hails, '12, crew; J. Thoburn, '13, football; L. Childs, '13, baseball.Brothers W. Hammon and J. Thoburn have been appointed to serve onleading committees for senior week. Brother G. Beurhaus was recently initiatedby <strong>Phi</strong> Lambda Upsilon.Stanford University, February 21, 1913. R. E. ROBERTS.COLORADO ALPHA, UNIVERSITY OF COLORADOColorado Alpha will herald in the beginning of a new school semester byattending en masse, the installation of Colorado Beta at Colorado College, ColoradoSprings, Colo., April 3-5. This infant chapter has invited all alumnito attend the installation and fully sixty brothers will accept.Colorado Alpha held its second semester initiation February 9. The followingare the new members of the chapter: Richard Bush Atchison, Mexico, Mo.;Malcom Dillon, Denver, Colo.; Myron Herrick, Gunnison, Colo.; and DonDownen, Pueblo, Colo.The athletes of the chapter are preparing to enter the intercollegiate indoormeet to be held in Denver, March i. National fraternities will enter teams ina 640 yard relay race. Colorado Alpha will be represented by .Brothers Reynolds,Mathew, Smith and Childs. On account of the snow the men have beenlimbering up in the hall which runs the length of the chapter house.Brother William Fleming, who holds the Kentucky state record for the 880and the mile run, will enter the special 880 yard run. Having made his letterat Central University, he will not be eligible for the University of Coloradotrack team. Brother Reynolds who is now playing on the varsity quintet,will don a track suit soon and get out for the broad jump and the hurdles.Brother Jack Haley was appointed baseball coach by the athletic board ofthe university, February 19. Brother Haley has had three year's experience in

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