1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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THE SCROLL 369CHAPTER CORRESPONDENCEReporters are requested to forward chapter letters on the loth of the month precedingthe month of publication.Please study to make letters terse. Facts which show the progress of the institutionshouid be recorded, but chapter news, rather than ordinary college news, is desired.Kindly omit mention of changes among professors and of athletic events unless membersof <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> are concerned.Please write alt proper names very clearly, or, if possible, typewrite the letters.Begin and end letters as they appear below. Write on only one side of the paper.The Editor will appreciate the loan of cuts of college views of chapter groups orhouses. Plates should be properly marked and should be mailed or expressed to THEScsoLL. care of the George Banta Publishing Company, Menasha, iVis., and printsfrom them or a list of them sent to the Editor. Plates larger than 4 by 7 inches, ineither dimension, cannot be used.Photographs of parties or scenes which would make interesting illustrations will beTery agreeable.ALABAMA ALPHA. UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMAThe chapter successfully passed through the ordeal of the mid-year examinationsand did not lose a man.In the class basketball series j'ust finished Alabama Alpha was representedon every team. On the senior team we had Brothers Goodhue and Vann;Brother Bowron captained the juniors; and we were represented on thesophomore and freshman teams by Brothers McGiffert and Foster respectively.In the baseball department of athletics which has again taken the limelight, we are ably represented by Brothers C. H, and A. \'. Van de Graaff,Moody, Pratt, Saunders and Brown. Two of the first three named have alreadymade their letters. Brother Bowron also is on the field every day andwill probably be elected assistant manager.Brother Moody, our delegate to the national convention at Chicago, reportsthat he considered the convention a great success, to say nothing of havinghad the time of his life.Tuscaloosa, Ala., February 25, 1913.F. M. BROWN.ALABAMA BETA, ALABAMA POLYTECHNICINSTITUTEAlabama Beta has had a very successful new year and takes pleasure inpresenting to the Fraternjty, Brother H. M. Wilson, Jr., Opelika, Ala., and<strong>Phi</strong>keia W. S. Stratford, Montgomery, Alabama. Our chapter regrets verymuch to see Brothers Thibaut and Barnes leave us, they having voluntarilywithdrawn.We have just passed through a series of dances and class exercises incelebration of Washington's birthday. During these festivities we were delightedto have with us many visitors, several of whom are old AlabamaBeta men. Among these were Brothers Charles Ripley, '07; Charles Torbert,'r2;- F. G. Mullen, '12; A. Barnes, '14; and Jeff Steiner, of University ofAlabama.The following members of the Alabama Beta shared in honors in the recentGerman Club elections—W. H. Wilson, vice-president; J. H. McCary, leader;and L. P. Munger, floor manager, of the junior German Club, J. W. Hudson,leader and J. B. Perry, vice-president of the freshman German Club. BrotherR. L. Groover was elected vice-president of Georgia Club.We are represented on the glee club by Brothers Duncan, Sutton, Driver,Munger, and Dowdell. The glee club will make several trips this year, andhas always proved to be very successful.In compliance with a long observed custom, the championship class footballgame was played Saturday, the twenty-second, the juniors emerging ,as thevictor from the fight, which was the best class game ever seen here. BrothersHudson and Liddell played on the freshman team.Auburn has had a very good basketball team this year. Brother Worrillrepresenting us on this team. The baseball season is very fast approaching

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