1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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354 THE SCROLL1908 the first directory (catalogue) was issued. The sorority sendsto all alumnae an annual letter of several printed pages, containinggeneral sorority information, and it is customary for each chapterto send to its own alumnae letters containing items of local. Thesorority also issues a calendar, which is thus mentioned:The pages contain the dates of all the chapter installations, the significantnational dates of the fraternity and blank spaces for chapter dates. Thiscalendar, aside from being an artistic addition to the chapter halls, furnishesan excellent reminder of the dates when the annual tax, the Lyre material andother matters of fraternity support are due.The history, of which this is the first edition, describes all of thefeatures here mentioned, gives an account of the founding of the sororityand sketches of the founders, quotes early records, discussesthe development and extension of the sorority, explains the system ofgovernment, and describes the insignia and customs. There is anabstract of the proceedings of each biennial national convention, withlists of delegates and of convention officers, the social features, andthe banquet programme. Details are given about each of the annualmeetings of the grand council, and there is a list of all past councilofficers.In addition, there is a sketch of each chapter, including an accountof its founding and the names of the charter members; a descriptionof its house or hall, mention of the chapter's customs and social affairs,a list of honors received by members from the national sorority, a listof members on the faculty, a list of college honors bestowed onmembers, college statistics and a list of sororities and fraternitiesestablished at the institution, and 'whether or not there is a local Pan-Hellenic association for sororities is mentioned.The book closes with a catalogue and index of members. Thevolume is beautifully illustrated on inserts. The illustrations includea picture of Hera (frontispiece) and halftones of the sevenfounders and many other members; of the parent chapter in theyear it was founded and several chapters at different times; of chapterhouses; of convention groups; of badges at different times, thecoat-of-arms, seal and flag (the last in colors) ; and fac-similes of thepledging record, membership certificate, affiliation certificate, treasurer'sreport, annual chapter report, convention report, and of Lyrecovers at different times and Lyre department headings; also anoutline map of the United States, showing the locations of the 25chapters.Miss Siller says that the history is "the result of six years of workon the part of the author—the first three years in gathering datafor the historical records, and the last three years in compiling andpublishing this voliune." A great amount of industry, patience andability was necessary to collect and collate such an enormous amountof detail and to produce such a splendid history. From the selfsacrificinglabors of the author, AXO will derive inestimable benefitduring all time.WALTER B. PALMER.

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