1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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THE SCROLL. 27to the penalty of three shillings, unless his excuse be deemed sufficient by theSociety.Following is a list of some of the questions that were debated:The advantages of an Established Church.The Justice of African Slavery.Whether Agriculture or Merchandise was most Advantageous to a State.Whether Brutus was Justifiable in having his Sons Executed.The cause and Origin of Society.Whether a wise State hath any Interest nearer at Heart than the educationof the Youth.Whether an Agrarian Law is Consistent with the Principles of a wise Republic.Whether anything is more dangerous to Civil Liberty in a Free State thana Standing Army in time of Peace.Whether Parents have a Right to prevent Marriage of Children after enteringinto Contract.Whether the Institution of the Ostracism was Legal.Whether Commonwealths or Monarchies are most subject to Seditions andCommotions.Whether a general Assessment for the Support of Religious Establishmentsis not Repugnant to the Principles of a Republican Government.Whether Theatrical Exhibitions are Advantageous to States or the Contrary.Is a Public or a Private Education More Advantageous.Had William the <strong>No</strong>rman a Right to the Crown of Great Britain.Whether the Execution of Charles first was Justifiable.Whether any form of Government is more favorable to public virtue thana Commonwealth.Whether the Rape of the Sabine Women was just.Whether the Religion is necessary in Government.Whether in a Civil War any Person is Justifiable in Remaining Neuter.Whether Dueling ought to have toleration in this or any other free State.Whether all our Aifection, and Principles are not in some Measure deduciblefrom self Love.Whether Poligamy is a dictate of Nature or not.Whether Avarice or Luxury is more Beneficial to a Republic.Whether Brutus was Justifiable in killing Csesar.Whether a man in extreme want is justifiable in Stealing from his neighborto relieve his present necessities.The progress of the Arts and Sciences.At the second meeting of the Society, which was held on January5, 1777, "a mode of initiation" was adopted, and this included "anoath of fidelity," which was as follows:I, A B , do swear on the holy Evangelists of Almighty God, or otherwise,as calling the Supreme Being to attest this jny oath, declaring that I will,with all my possible efforts, endeavor to prove true, just, and deeply attachedto this our growing fraternity; in keeping, holding and preserving all secretsthat pertain to my duty, and for the promotion and advancement of its internalwelfare.The "proper and salutary laws" providedThat a profanation of the preceding oath of fidelity subjects the memberto the pain of the universal censures of the Fraternity as well as the misery ofcertain expulsion.This "oath of fidelity" is the only part of the original "mode ofinitiation" that has been preserved. On February 27, 1779, when a

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