1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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THE SCROLL 331manhood of the country, and fraternity men are the pick of the college men,surely a big responsibility and leadership in relation to these reforms restsupon our fraternity men.Shall we shut ourselves up in pleasant fraternity quarters, simply have pleasantsocial relations with our brother <strong>Phi</strong>s and fellow Greeks, going out at theend of our college course utterly ignorant of these problems? I submit mydesire to see, in the future, our great Brotherhood of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> adopta definite plan to be practiced within the Fraternity, along with the fraternitywork, which will call upon our members to study, and not only to study butengage in, the work of the organized social, civic, moral, and religious agenciesof the community in which the university is located, and take part in itintelligently, as the result of that study, in meeting the problems of that particularcommunity.A scholar in one of our great institutions—an institution whose name I willnot mention here, because the matter is entirely confidential with me—thepresident of that institution during the last year and a half—conceived aplan whereby he would ask his faculty, to take a more personal interest in thestudent body of that great university. He outlined a workable plan, andcalled into conference with him one hundred full professors, and submittedthis plan to them. How many college men do you suppose were willing totake part in such a plan of personal interest in the betterment of the men?Three of them were enthusiastic about it. Seven said they would do so if thepresident insisted upon their doing so. Ninety refused to have anything todo with it; said their duty was done when they turned the key in the classroom or laboratory. I say I know something of college selfishness at thispoint; and I want to see the Fraternity of which I am proud take advanceground in these matters.The other day in pinning the badge on the dearest and best girl in all theworld, I said to her, "Do you know, my dear, it seems to me that I amprouder of the privilege of pinning the sword and shield of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong>upon you every day of my life." And I do take more pride in this intimate,splendid relationship of ours every day, and I want to see the brothers of ourBond take advanced ground on this particular point. Let our Fraternity dosomething that is fundamental for humanity at large; not sit with our eyesturned into the chapter house, but upon humanity; going out to express it toall our brothers even those outside of Greek letter relationship. (Applause.)THE TOASTMASTER: That applause is surely indicative of thefact that there is not a man here who does not regard that as a verynotable speech. It is a very serious word which Mr. Pontius hasuttered, and is a word which needed much to be uttered. We menmust go back home to stand for the best things, and we must standfor the very best things, and in a way that nobody will mistake.Frederick the Great once sent a detachment of fifty thousand of hisbest soldiers to his adjutant and said, "I send you sixty thousand ofmy best trained men. Use them well and we will get a great victory."The adjutant numbered them and he found of course that there wereonly fifty thousand, and he hurried back the reply, "You sent mebut fifty thousand; where are the remaining ten thousand?" AndFrederick the Great hurried posthaste the answer, "I count you forten thousand."Men of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong>, after this convention, your great Fraternityis going to count you, not for a unit and not for a hundred,but actually for ten thousand; and we ought to go back home loving

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