1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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THE SCROLL 319ABNER CHARLES CHAPPUISThe Chicago convention elected Brother Abner Charles Chappuis,Louisiana Alpha, '07, the Fraternity Chapter House Commissionerfor the ensuing two years. Brother Chappuis was born March 4,1886, at Rayne, La.; he entered Tulane University with the clafof 1907 and graduated from the law department that year, afterwhich he practiced his profession at Crowley, La., until February,1912, when he removed to New Orleans, where he has since beenengaged in the development and exploitation of Louisiana farm lands,in which business he has been extremely successful. Brother Chappuiswas married to Miss Lucille Edith Crippen, of Crowley, La.,December 21, 1910. Since Brother Chappuis has assumed official positionin <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong>, the added dignity of father was placedupon his shoulders when Barbara Katherine Chappuis was bom afew weeks after the convention. Brother Chappuis attended theWashington Convention in 1906, as a delegate from Louisiana Alphaand the three subsequent conventions at Pittsburgh, Niagara Fallsand Chicago, as delegate from the New Orleans Alumni Club. ThusBrother Chappuis is well acquainted with fraternity affairs and wellequipped to perform the duties of chapter house commissioner.ROBERT WHITE LINDSAYBrother Lindsay, in response to the writer's request for some ofthe intimate details of his life, has failed to furnish us with the dateof his birth. We know his natural modesty but nevertheless, we willguess that that momentous event took place about the year of ourLord, 1880. The place is also unknown to the writer, thus we are unableto make it celebrated by due reference herein. However, we doknow that Brother Lindsay entered Washington and Jefferson atWashington, Pa., as a member of the class of 1902, and became amember of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> in October, 1898. After leaving collegehe located in Pittsburgh, where he has been engaged in business withhis father under the firm name of Lindsay Transfer Company, ofwhich he is the treasurer. During the ten years that have elapsedsince his college career. Brother Lindsay has been one of the wheelhorsesof the Pittsburgh Alumni Club, of which he was presidentone year, and secretary for five years. He was secretary of the clubat the time of the Pittsburgh national convention, and as such hadthe bulk of the detail work in connection with that convention tolook after. That he did it well everyone who attended that conventioncan amply testify. In 1910 Brother Lindsay-was electedby the general council as president of Alpha Province and served assuch until the Chicago convention, when by an unanimous vote hewas elected to the position of alumni commissioner. Brother Lindsayhas attended the last four conventions of the Fraternity, and on accountof a certain romantic event at Washington in 1906, he willprobably attend all subsequent conventions. It was at Washingtonthat he met Miss Virginia Weyand-, one of the fair residents of the

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