1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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312 THE SCROLLof college,' in acquainting newcomers with college conventions and traditions.—Michigan correspondence. New York Times.Brown is working very successfully a scheme of faculty advisers for membersof its freshman class. Soon after the opening of the year the enteringmen are divided into small groups, each of which is assigned to some memberof the faculty, who acts in the capacity of special counselor. The first meetingof a man with his adviser is definitely appointed, but thereafter the systemworks informally. While the appointments are made only in the firstyear, a student usually continues the relation with his faculty adviser throughouthis course. The plan has been working successfully for several years.<strong>No</strong> publicity is given to the matter and none but the adviser and the individualstudent are notified of the appointment. The intent of the system is to leadto closer personal relations by allowing each student to feel in any emergencyof his college life, however, great or small, he may freely claim the counselof a mature and interested adviser.—Brown correspondence. New York Times.EXTENSION OF THE HONOR SYSTEMThe students of the University of Kentucky have adopted the honor system.—2 A E Record.According to President Pierce, of Kenyon College, the honor system hasbeen an unqualified success there during the ten years it has been in force.—Z ^ Circle.Hobart, like many other colleges, has an honor system in examinations, butHobart is one of the few colleges that has an honor system that works. Hereit has worked successfully for years.—Hobart correspondence. New York Times.The entire senior class of the School of Mines, Engineering, and Chemistryat Columbia University has voted to adopt the honor system in this year'smid-year examinations. It is expected that an effort will be made to introdxicea similar system in the college department of the university. Members of thefaculty generally favor the adoption of the honor system, but they want ifadopted voluntarily by the student body.—Columbia correspondence. New YorkEvening Post.A vote will be taken on the registration days for the second semester, February3 and 4, to test the sentiment of the students" of the University of Illinoisin regard to the honor system. A campaign has been waged by the studentdaily and other publications toward the installation of this system, and theBoard of Administration has finally consented to take a test vote. The latterwill not be final, but merely advisory, and will have no determining influenceon whether or not the honor system shall be adopted here or not. It will, however,enable the organizations working for its adoption to determine just whatthe student sentiment on the question is, and whether it is worth while to pushthe campaign further at this time.—Illinois correspondence. New York Times.A general crusade is being carried on in the university looking toward theuse of the "honor system" in all classes and departments. It has been in usein the medical department for many years, and has met with marked success.The homeopaths and some classes in the literary department have alreadyadopted the plan, and some examinations have been conducted in which therewere no faculty watchers, and each student wrote at the bottom of his paper astatement that he had neither given nor received aid.—Michigan correspondence.New York Times.THE ATHLETE IN HIS LATER LIFEA valuable contribution to the old controversy about college athletics ismade by Dr. Harlow Brooks, Professor of Clinical Medicine in the New YorkUniversity, writing for The American Practitioner.Recognizing that the question is a complex one, with the usual two sides,Doctor Brooks begins by admitting most that has been claimed as to the

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