1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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308 THE SCROLLCOLLEGIATEThe first mass meeting of students of Minnesota last fall was attended by2,500.A Bleriot monoplane has been presented to the University of Washington.—2 A E Record.California students have voted, S to i, against the use of liquors at anysocial affair about the university.Stanford freshmen are charged a fee of 50 cents each, called a bonfire fee,to defray the expense of celebration fires.CTflder the will of the late John Savary, '55, of Washington, D. C, Williamshas received $20,000 for the college library.Last September a tornado demolished the Syracuse boat house and destroyedthe racing shells, the loss amounting to $8,000.A new. catalogue of the 2291 graduates of the School of Mines, Engineeringand Chemistry of Columbia University has been issued.The Wisconsin Daily News has come out as a. competitor of the DailyCardinal, the only instance of two daily papers in one university.The late Dr. Richard A. Cleeman bequeathed $50,000 to the University ofPennsylvania for two additional dormitories, as a memorial to his brotherLudovic C. Cleeman.The salary for William H. Taft as Kent professor of law at Yale, withother duties annexed, will be $5,000, which is the maximum now paid to theupper grade of full professors.The new Agricultural College of Syracuse University has received $83,000from Mrs. Russell Sage. The new State College of Forestry, connected withthe university has over 100 students enrolled.The intercollegiate socialist society, whose headquarters are in New YorkCity, announces that its roll of chapters composed of undergraduates has increasedduring the last two years from 11 to 48.Georgia Tech has followed the University of Cincinnati in establishing acooperative course. Students in the course go to school one week and workin Atlanta shops the next week, receiving wages.The college of Physicians and Surgeons of Columbia University is to bemoved from its present site in lower New York City to Morningside Heightswhere the other departments of the university are located.Only two years of the four-year medical course are now given at Madison,but the regents of the University of Wisconsin have made plans to developin due time a full course in medicine and to utilize clinical facilities in Milwaukee.Brown will soon have a branch of the United States Bureau of Plant Industry,which will have a staff of four pathologists, which will coordinatewith the university department of botany, and which will first give specialattention to the chestnut bark disease.Fortnightly <strong>No</strong>tes is the name of a publication just issued from the officeof the Alumni Qua,rierly of the University of Illinois. It will be complementaryto the Quarterly, and will contain items of current news about theuniversity and personals from the alumni.A committee authorized by the general assembly of Virginia will move thebody of General Henry Lee, "Light Horse Harry," from Cumberland Island,Georgia, to Lexington, Va. Next spring the body will be placed in the familyvault in the Lee memorial chapel at Washington and Lee University, withimposing ceremonies.

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