1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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THE SCROLL 293WASHINGTON ALPHA. UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTONWashington has won the <strong>No</strong>rthwest championship in football for the fifthconsecutive time. Three <strong>Phi</strong>s were granted ttheir football W: Brother Pattenat tackle, who is a contender in the race for captaincy, Brother Dorman athalfback and <strong>Phi</strong>keia Clark at end. Brother Tom Wand was granted a GermanW for four years' service. At &e football banquet held at the WashingtonAnnex, December 12, Brother Grinstead acted in the capacity of toastmaster.In a recent election Brother Archie Major was selected to edit the collegeannual for the class of 1913. Brother Fritz Beltz has been elected to <strong>Phi</strong><strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Phi</strong>.We take pleasure in introducing to- the' Fraternity, Brother Dave McCallamwho was initiated on December 12.<strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> entertained at an informal dance in the chapter house on<strong>No</strong>vember 22. Patronesses for the evening were Brother and Mrs. Loren Grinsteadand Brother and Mrs.. Adair Rembert. Brothers Lindburg and Urquhartwere the committee in charge.Brother Hayfield is on the varsity ball committee, given "in honor of theW winners, and Brother Lindburg is chairman of the junior booth committee.P"hikeia Harmon is a member of the university glee club and <strong>Phi</strong>keia Morrisof the mandolin club.The call has just been issued for badceAall candidates, to which BrothersT. Wand and Dixon Schively and <strong>Phi</strong>keias Herrett and Farmer have responded.Brother James Sipprell has been elected president of the junior class. Hewas also elected president of the Y. M. C. A. '•<strong>Phi</strong>keia Byrd is chairman ofthe freshman social committee. Brothers Tolman, Abbott and Dorman havebeen elected to Tyes Tyon, the sophomore interfraternity honor society.Brother Christiansen has presented- the chapter with a beautifully mountedChinese pheasant.Seattle, Wash., December 12, 1912. TOM WAND.WISCONSIN ALPHA, UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSINThe convention proceedings were discussed in chapter meeting and we areconfident that much will be accomplished toward wholesome internal improvementduring the next year. The Wisconsin Legislature is in session at thestate capitol in Madison, and a large appropriation will undoubtedly be askedfor new dormitories, as various student organizations are backing the propositionand pressure will be brought to bear upon university authorities. Anumber of new buildings have been completed and some are now under courseof construction, and an appropriation from the legislature will also be askedfor the construction of new ones.The lower campus has been flooded for a skating rink, and the students arealso taking advantage of the ice-boating and skate coasting on Lake Mendotaand tobogganing on the university slide. The basketball team has started theseason with two victories over Purdue and Illinois.Since our last letter the house was quarantined for several days. BrotherVincent contracted diphtheria which necessitated the inoculation of all thebrothers. The annual formal party was held on December 16. Junior Promfestivities start on February 7 and from all indications v^e will have thelargest prom party we have yet had. Br'ather Bickelhaupt is chairman of theprom decoration committee. The music tryout for the Haresfoot Club opera,of which Brother Pond is secretary and Brother Bickelhaupt is assistant businessmanager, will be held at the house shortly, and the general tryouts willbe held within a few weeks. The club will put on "The Orphan and theOctupus" written by George Hill, an alumnus, and the music has been submittedto student competition. A four day's trip vpiil be made in April.The union vaudeville of the university will be held in the university gymnasiumduring the coming week. The university circus of which Brother Gillette

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