1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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THE SCROLL 291TEXAS GAMMA, SOUTHWESTERNUNIVERSITYSouthwestern has made an unusually good record in football this year, havingwon sixty per cent of all the games played. Brothers Westbrook, Boutwelland Monning made their letters. Brother Pritchett deserves credit for his remarkablework as a substitute. Brother Monning will also make the baseballteam.Since our last letter we have initiated four very promising new men, whowill be especially popular in social lines. It is with pleasure that we introduceto the Fraternity, Brothers E. C. Reed, San Antonio, Texas; John S.Cain, Athens, Texas; B. H. Gardener, Palestine, Texas; and E. G. Jenkins,Bryan, Texas.We are very sorry to lose two strong men this term, Brother Gardner haswithdrawn from school for the present on account of failing health, andBrother Peterson has accepted the position of bursar of Polytechnic Collegeat Ft. Worth, Texas.Brother Alexander will give his graduating recital in piano on December 14.He will have been the first male graduate of that department since the foundingof the university; naturally it will be a popular event. Brother Hall has beenelected president of the sophomore class. Brother Haefer has received theplace of student-assistant in the department of botany.On <strong>No</strong>vember 16 the <strong>Phi</strong>s gave an informal reception at the chapter housewhich was a great success. The reception hall was artistically decorated withchrysanthemums, evergreens and the fraternity colors. A classical musicalprogram was rendered by one of our sisters. Afterwards refreshments wereserved to the twenty-eight couples present and late in the evening the crowddispersed. Among the visitors were Brothers Knight, Broad, and <strong>Phi</strong>keia <strong>No</strong>rmantof Texas Beta; also Dr. C. C. Cody, Jr., of Texas Gamma, '05.Georgetown, Texas, December 13, igi2. R. H. WILLIAMS.VERMONT ALPHA, UNIVERSITY OF VERMONTAs usual Vermont Alpha stands in the leading row in collegt jctivities.Brothers Malcolm, '14, Mayforth, '15, and Remby, '15, have made glee club,and Brothers Remby, '15, Worden, '15, and Gordon, '16, have made instrumentalclub. In the college orchestra are Brothers Remby, '15, Gordon, '16, and Conroy,'16. In football, although we had no men on the first team, yet in thesecond and class teams our showing was exceedingly good. Brothers St. John,'14, Maiden, '15, and Mayforth, '15, were on the second team, Brother St. Johnbeingcaptain. Brothers Maiden, '15, and Mayforth, '15, played on the sophomoreteam with Brother Maiden as captain. Those on the freshman elevento make their numerals were Brothers Conroy, Hayden and Leutze. BrotherCoyle, '16, was manager of the freshman team.We again take pleasure in announcing as a new brother in the Bond, KennethH. Owens, '13, Plainfield, III. Brother Owens, an affiliate from Williamsin 1911, has been very active since his arrival, being at present captainof the relay team. He is also out for the college play together with BrotherHayden, '16.Brother St. John is manager of the Ariel, our junior class book, andBrothers Averill, '14, and Everitt, '14, are assistant editors.On <strong>No</strong>vember 6 our initiation banquet was held at the Hotel Vermont.With Brother Guy Potter Benton, President of the University of Vermont, astoastmaster and a good number of alumni, it was an occasion of a very enjoyableas well as helpful evening to all.Perhaps the most looked for social event is our fraternity dance which washeld this year on <strong>No</strong>vember 22 at the Hotel Vermont roof garden. All thatwere able took a hand in decorating and many compliments were received onthe appearance of the hall. A very good time was enjoyed by all.Among the visitors to the chapter since the last letter are Brothers Benton,

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